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First no till... problems

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by upsetter., Jul 18, 2017.

  1. #1 upsetter., Jul 18, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2017

    I'll figure it out.
  2. I run large no till beds too. Putting seriously root bound plants into them just never works out well. It can take 3-5 weeks for the plants to recover. No joke.

    They will snap out of it eventually. It's hard to be patient enough. Drop your temps 10 degrees. Or convince me of this led hotter temp stuff. It sounds like bullshit. Dimming your lights helps a lot. Spray the plants with aloe. Kelp teas. It just takes time. If this wasn't your first run I'd tell you to add 2-3" of compost.

    Have you tested the soil mix out already in smaller pots?
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  3. This is the first run with the soil in any form. The Led temperature thing seems legit... if I use a digital thermometer on the top leaves of the plant with the room at 85 degrees, I get a reading of 85 degrees. Try that with HPS in a room that is 75 degrees and you get.... 85ish degrees at the canopy. Infrared light turns to heat on surfaces it contacts. Led makes none. 0. HPS makes a lot.

    Don't know if it can be seen in the pictures, but the clover around the damaged plants in question. Is yellow and damaged looking. I have other plants come from the same rootbound scenario in the same bed that are thriving.

  4. RD is totally correct about the long recovery with severely rootbound plants.

    What will help, though most new growers are skeert of it, is, take a utility knife (retractable blade), with ~1/4" of blade exposed and score the roots ~1/8" deep around the sides and an X on the bottom. 4 vertical cuts and the X is more than sufficient to spur new root growth into the fresh medium.

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  5. I will certainly try that if I ever need to. Pretty careful to not let the plants get root bound anymore. It actually took me years to figure out why my no till ran flawlessly some runs and other runs i would have to baby them for a bit.
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  6. LED lights certainly give of infrared heat, or rather allow objects to absorb it. If I can shine an LED COB at my hand, outside in 30 degree air, and feel the heat a foot away, they give of heat.
    I keep my hands warm doing this in the winter time.
    I am with ElRancho on dimming lights for any type of plant stress, especially transplanting. This is well known in normal garden circles (not so well known among the canna crowd).
  7. mine are also stunned. they were heavily rootbounded every time i transplanted them.

    thanks for the info.

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