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First light system help ASAP

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by SmokeDaGanja, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. So I'm starting a 6 plant grow soon and am looking for a setup to start growing, I'm looking for a medium to large reflector non air cooled. I'm looking for something that isn't top of the line but a little better than average. Space is not a problem and round or square reflectors will work. Anyone have any complete systems in mind, or maybe just a list of what works good together, I find reflectors I would like to use then have no idea about the ballast or bulbs. 

  2. See this is what I was looking at but I wanted an enclosed reflector and not a wing, Heard wings are good to use but you lose light at the ends of them. 
  3. #4 zippy657, Jan 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2014
    makes no sense duder... how is the glass over the bottom going to change the path of the reflected light??  if by 'the ends' you mean the front edge of the thing (because neither wings nor enclosed units can reflect from the mogul base side) then i suppose you could always throw something reflective over the hole, but only a small area of the bulb faces that way... you are splitting hairs.  believe me when i tell you it wont matter a shit lick.  you have years of dialing in to do before <5% light loss is going to affect your yeilds.  if you arent going to cool through the reflector then a sealed housing is a complete waste of money.  get one of them ebay batwing packages.  i got 3 of them in 600W with bulbs for under 500 last year... stuff is cheap.
  4. why not aircooled
  5. Get air cooled that's enclosed by glass. It will help keep temps down. You will need to exhaust the light do looking into a 6-8" can fan and filter.
  6. If you aren't in a big ventilated room you will have temp problems without a cool tube or air cooled hood. There's no way around it. Hps bulbs burn hot, really hot dude.
  7. "looking for a medium to large reflector non air cooled"

    We're all looking for that...

    You're going to need to be more specific as to what lighting you want to use. Snoop has the right idea suggesting the 1,000 watt setup - at least if you really want to maximize six plants. I also bet he can tell you how hot that sucker gets with just a wing reflector. The wing reflector will work in a full sized room that at least has an exhaust off to one side and perhaps with a regular fan blowing across the top of your canopy but there's a reason they make cool tubes (enclosed) and hoods with 6" or 8" round flanges at the ends designed to hook up vent hose - again, an enclosed setup.

    Another great way would be to go with at least one and even better 2 600 watt lights for six plants. Now, I supposed you could grow six smaller plants with even a single 400watt setup or even a 2'X4' 4 bulb T5 setup but it's really not ideal if you want any kind of production at all.

    Most any of the decent HID lights get hot - that's a fact, Jack. By exhausting them properly you can situate your lights closer to the plants. Depending on where you live and if smell (aroma!) is or isn't an issue somebody above also suggested an inline filter. I don't use one myself but then again my nearest neighbor is a good ways (1/4 mile?) away.

    So think this through. Be realistic. Ask yourself what do you want out of your garden? Don't sell yourself short when you decide on a lighting system - you'll just end up buying a second light in a few months. We see it all the time. If you've got the space, buy a nice light and after you decide which light you want, then think about how you're going to cool it which will be the deciding factor on your hood and exhaust setup.


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