First(ish) Grow

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Creamjeans, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. This is kind of my first grow. I've put a few through vegetation but had to pull one right before flowering and my next was destroyed, probably ate, by animals. It's been a couple years but I feel that I have more security then ever now. This plant is more or less a test plant. Just one. I wanted to tweak some of my issues before I got caught up screwing up multiples. I've been running two CFLs, daylight. I went in with a planned growbox but that just didn't work out well. I had temporarily improvise with a cooler, top is open and plenty of ventilation. Temps around 70-75. I'm using a mix of mushroom compost and over/under watering prevention soil. It's been incredibly nice outside for the past couple days so I have been leaving her outside for most of the day until I go to work. Lights are on about 18/6 everyday, no less than 18 hours of light. So,[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

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  2. May I get a little help please. She was fine an hour ago and then I noticed this when I was turning the lights off. Temp was about 80. Is this under watering, deficiency, heat? I can't find much about the tips turning up, only down or the the sides curling up. I am starting to feel like I'm trying to use webmd to solve an episode of House, cancer? Any help or suggestions would be nice.

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  3. P.S. The lights, 2 CFLs, are about 4" from the top and the top appears fine.

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  4. I'll go with fish fertilizer and hope she has a good night. To trial and error.

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  5. Sooo. Sale at Lowe's this weekend.

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  6. @Creamjeans you need to lower your lights! There only supposed to be 1 to 2 inches away from the top of your plants. I use to have mine a half inch to an inch away.

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  7. You didn't add perlite? To me your plant looks fine to me. Them bottom leaves turn yellow then fall off. Cause new leaves are coming in. I would try to get side lighting from your Cfl's. You don't get as much light if right over the plant. I had the same light reflector, I had 3/26 watt Cfl's per plant. I used connectors to get three bulbs in one light fixture. I may have pics of what I mean by using the sides of the Cfl's.[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] hope it helped! See how my plants were getting side lighting?
    Good Luck

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  8. @Robbie714 I did use perlite, I have decent drainage. I will move the lights off to the side a little more. I knew the bottom leaves fell off but I didn't think it would happen to the second set of leaves as well. The tip of the one leave was curling upwards, like an upwards claw. That's what had me a little worried. Thanks for the help.

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  9. [​IMG][​IMG]
    I've searched and searched. I've changed the soil. Watered properly. Checked ph. Moved outside. Used fish fertilizer. Didn't use fish fertilizer. Flushed. What is wrong? I've lost 4 sets of leaves and now my true fan leaves are curling and dying.

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  10. I have not used any nutes other than fish fertilizer and I've only used it once in the last three weeks. Strictly water. Should I use more?

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  11. What kind of soil are you using? Your soil looks woody? Your not using MG soil are you. I wouldn't use Alaska FF 5-1-1 you don't use no nutes your soil has nutes in it when you bought it! What strain?

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