First harvest

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by Nevandal, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. #1 Nevandal, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2009
    Well, here's my first harvest. Don't laugh at all the seeds! I pollenated on purpose :)

    Strain is white russian...from serious seeds.

    I had 3 females, all were heavily pollenated by the same male. Vegged for 40 days, and flowered for 7 weeks, under a 400 watt HPS, using a mix of ocean forest and light warrior soil. Pollenation was right around the 2nd week of flower. The bud growth REALLY slowed down (not surprisingly) after pollenation.

    Anyways...anyone wanna take a gander at how much weed that is in the 2 jars? Minus the seed weight of course. After drying, I tried to take out as much stem as possible. Due to heavy pollenation, most of the buds were very small.

    Also if anyone has a suggestion for a good scale around $50 or so.

    Thanks :)

    Attached Files:

  2. I'd guess it's about 2 oz.'s, 1 oz if you take out the seed.

    I bought a $29 kitchen scale (Braun) and it works great. Check WalMart, Target,...they're cheap.
  3. Seeds.... I imagine for growing more weed?

    Either way, you have now successfully grown marijuana. Be proud, let it cure for about a month, and then smoke that fine green. Good job!

  4. That's right! :)

    I do have about 50 clones, though...that I'm gonna put into a SOG here pretty soon.

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