First grow

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ThePerculator, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. IMG_1059.JPG IMG_1061.JPG Okay, so this isn't exactly my first grow, but it will hopefully be my first harvest. I've never made it to the flowering stage due to complications (None of which were related to actual growing issues ) . But this will definitely be my most legitimate attempt. I have a 32x32 grow tent. Only one seedling which just sprouted this yesterday morning. I'm awaiting the delivery of more seeds. I don't know the strain, it was just a random seed I'm using to work out the kinks before I get my good seeds. I germinated the seed in a peat pellet which is where I met my first problem. So at some point ( I know I didn't put the seed in this way) the seed turned upside down in the pellet and the strongest root began shooting out of the top of the pellet, it then curved back down into the soil. It kind of got in the way of the stem, and I had to help it out of the pellet ( gently of course). I didn't want to move the roots because that's the whole reason I didn't do the paper towel germination like I've done in the past. I will post some pics, let me know if the root will be an issue and needs to be moved, I will give more details on the soil I used and the lights but I'm more concerned with this particular issue at the moment... sorry this so long
  2. You don't want any roots exposed at this young age, gently cover your pellet with a thin layer of dirt, or Perlite even, no big deal. Gravity will straighten everything out in a few days. Good luck
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  3. Okay, I cover the peat with a little soul... but when I did this I realized a little yellowing on the leaves, and a slit , it looks like someone cut the leaf one time with scissors. Please help. Also I will post a pic of the soil and the grow tent
  4. The bulbs are cfl 40w, 2600 lumens and 23w 1600 lumens. My local hydro store said this will work for the first 3-4 weeks while my led is shipping
  5. Thanks
  6. Put your cfl's as close as possible. I'm talking 1 inch. They won't burn your plant at all and only work when less than 6 inches from plant

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  7. Oh and your better off putting the one 43 watt bulb centered over the plant, than if you lowered your whole rig down 1" above the plant. It looks like they're 10" apart or something

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  8. image.jpg
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  9. The leafs sometimes cut themselves escaping from their shell. It's just battle wounds, those little guys will die off regardless in just a couple weeks most likely anyway.
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  10. So glad to hear that !! When can I expect to see more leaves grow?
  11. IMG_1066.JPG Day 3 update pic... he seems to be getting taller!
  12. Lowering the light should help it stop stretching so much. You can bury the stem when you transplant next so it isn't unstable. You should be seeing new growth very soon

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  13. IMG_1067.JPG Switched to led today, people kept saying my cola weren't the right spectrum for vegging, let me know what you think of my new set up !?
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  14. IMG_1070.JPG IMG_1069.JPG I don't know why I said led... I've got 2 t5s and I lowered them because my seedling is like 4" tall on day 4.. that seemed really tall to me? Is that normal?
  15. It was stretching because your cfl was too far away. I'm not sure about t5s but make sure it's close enough. My most recent seedling kept stretching untill I put the bulb 1/2" away. Then it started doing better

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  16. IMG_1074.JPG Day 4 update !!
  17. Nice your getting some new leaves coming in!

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  18. IMG_1076.PNG Day 6... left my house all day yesterday.. when I got back my temp jumped to 81!! Will this affect my plant??

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