First grow

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Vibesofmarley, Jun 24, 2017.

  1. Hello stoners of the galaxy newbie here I have around 9 seeds in paper towel one already sprouted 3 showing a tiny tap root almost looks like a white dot and the rest no action at all how long can I keep them on the paper towel after they sprouted but don't show leaves yet before I transfer to solo cup and how long will it take for the leaves to kick in thanks in advance
  2. You plant when the root comes out,
    not when the leaves show.

    Plant them now.
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  3. Pointy end down
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  4. Thanks for the fast reply guys but I know you should plant them right away but I was wondering how long can they survive in the paper towel after sprouted .
  5. Next time just start in the solo cup and you wont have to worry about how long it can survive in the paper towel. The whole paper towel thing is the stupidest shit in the world to me. Its just wasted time. Put seed in soil and 3 days later you have a plant.
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  6. This... The paper towel thing needs to end. Just put the seed in your medium and let it grow.
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  7. Thanks for the info guys but as I said I couldn't get hold of soil at the time that's why I was wondering how long can they survive in the paper towel but already moved them to solos today . Would it be better to transplant to a 4-5 gallon pot right away or should I transplant to a 3 gallon first thanks
  8. Many pot up multiple times but I usually go from cup to 3 or 5 gallon depending on which I am using as final pot.
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  9. I soak mine in a cup of water before i drop em in the soil. Seems to be fine 100% germ rate so far. Where you gonna grow said 9 plants
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  10. Planing on putting them in a 6x6 with a 600 watts bulb hope that would cut it
  11. 6x6 with a 600w isn't going to cut it. 4x4 max imo for a 600w.
  12. Yea you would need a giant reflector even then the plants will fight upwarda toward the light
  13. You gonna plant in 5 gal pots and run an 7-9 wk veg?
  14. 7-9 weeks is too long imo. I wouldn't do a day over 5 weeks. My current plants i vegged for 32 days and I believe I will get 6-10oz per plant and they are big and hard to manage. A longer veg would be fine with less plants though. My thought is more smaller plants over the course of a year will give you more yield than less larger because of the potential to fit 1 more grow per year in. I don't object to longer veg times but for me it works better to veg for a shorter period of time.
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  15. Thanks again for the fast replies guys but I have both tents a 4x4 and a 6x6 and two bulbs one a 600w and the other a 400 I think I might use both and put the 600 in the 4x4 tent when they reach the budding phase
  16. So it's been more than a week guys since the seed germinated and almost 8 days since planting them in soil so far only one broke out of the halves should I be worried ?
  17. This is it as I said this is my first grow so an expert eye would be appreciated I don't think it looks too good or maybe it's too early to speculate

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  18. A clearer picture

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  19. Yes does not sound good, how deep did you plant the seeds?

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