First grow

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by skcdaddy101112, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. Hey guys ive lurked around the forums for a while and have decided to try my hand in cultivating. I have a seedling a little less than a month old in a 2 gallon pot. And led lamp and a fan. This is my first frow so nothing serious. Just curious and a learning experience. Pictures to come later today and any feedback or constructive criticism is appreciated.
  2. Heres some older pics. Get updated ones later

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  3. nice grow man! At this point you'll see the plants growth explode. keep it posted ill sub.

    Ps. check out my first grow you might see some helpful tips.
  4. Thanks for the sub man. Ill be sure to check it out

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  5. Looks good so far but lots of stretching. Might want to move that light closer.
  6. Get a better light, I'll even fuck around with an extra clone for a flowering with a single 42w 6500k light in a desk lamp fixture. And even THATS ineffectual lighting for any kind of yield.

    That plant won't do much of anything under the light you have it on...
  7. What they said above if you could move the light closer or maybe add some CFLs(6500k) that would help the plant thrive better. looks good though just get some more light for her :)
  8. Im moving here in about a week so didnt want to put too much into it just yet. I have seeds greming. I plan on at least 2 100w lights. Would you guys go hps or cfl?
  9. Any thoughts?

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  10. at least 2 more CFLs for sure(more if you can) plus from what I can tell in the picture I'd move the light even closer than that 2-4" minimum. looks good, just more light!!
  11. I love my HID setup. For yield, you cant beat 'em.
  12. Added one more light

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  13. The top light is 5.5 inches away. The lamp is 7 inches and the blue led lamp is 3.
  14. New groth

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  15. the light closest in the picture is not a CFL. I would remove it. Also do you know the watts of the LED? Or maybe what the color temp is? for very cheap you can get 5000k+ CFLs at any hardware/home improvement store. Your plant will love you if can get a HID.
  16. So the non cfl is not beneficial at all? And the cfl is 2700 which i know is better for flower but this is just a test run. Ill replace the one with a cfl soo. But as i said im moving this weekend and the more i set up the more i tare down
  17. Cfl is now 3 in away.
  18. And i want to clarify, when i move this all comes with me and gets put back up
  19. ive been told that incandescent bulbs put off the wrong spectrum plus bad heat. maybe okay for flowering but CFLs in the long run are much better. I'm also a beginner like yourself so if my advice is inaccurate I apologize.
  20. No need for apology man. Ill get another cfl tomorrow

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