first grow. pics

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by jtur150, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. well i dont exactally know what im doing. i cant smoke anymore so i figured id try growing. this is my crap set up for now. i plan on getting more lights and maybe germinating again and starting over. this is it so far tho.


  2. #2 mimomontalvo, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2009
    a couple more cfls should do. with that height i'd recommend the scrog method.

    and some ventilation would help also :D
  3. thanks man! thats awesome first time ive ever heard of scrog. so basically i could grow and get a yield in that lil space i have?! i kinda don't understand the details of scrog tho. ill deff read up more but thank you
  4. np. glad to help :smoking:
  5. it seems really complicated tho. ill try it. hopefully i dont fuck anyhing up. i dont really care im only using bagseed and if i mess up i have an entire bag of seeds.

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