first grow looking for some advice

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by homer88, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. hi im a newbie at growing was looking to get some advice iv currently got 7 fem berry skunk and 2 cheese clones just ready to start flowering i currently have 2 300w vioerspectra led lights and a spare 250 w hps i read onlune i could suppliment the led with the hos for better result so i put the hps in between the 2 led but it cranked my temp way up to 37 degrres with a 87 rh iv got extracter fans takin air out and bringing new air in i was wondering would it be posdible for me to run the hps along side the led on 30 minute intervals i tried this last nite and it was working well the temp stayed at a constant 25.6 with a rh of 50 would it cause any damage to pkants with the hps coming off and on repetedky thru the 12-12 cycle also may add that my tent was to high for the loft so uts on its side i have fim'd my plants a few times and used lst right from beginning thats worked really well in keeping them low but loads of heads any help or advice welcomed and thanks in advance
  2. You could absolutely do that. You could also get a Cool Tube. If you don't have a sealed, vented hood, this is an inexpensive device that retrofits existing HPS lamps and allows you to vent that heat out of the tent.
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  3. thanks for the reply bud il deffo look into it il watch a few videos of them later n first iv heard if them thanks again
  4. thanks for the reply bud il deffo look into it il watch a few videos of them later n first iv heard if them thanks again

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