First Grow: Blue Dream

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by sterling_, Feb 7, 2017.

  1. #1 sterling_, Feb 7, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2017

    Here's my setup. My soil is FFOF with no additional fertilizer. The light is the $79.99 Mars "300" watt LED which should suffice for the time being. Does anyone have some insight into the yellowing of the bottom couple of leaves? I'm thinking the soil is just a little too wet.[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
  2. Need pics that aren't under an LED bro or Noone can tell you what it looks like. I'm a first time grower too, got 5 northern lights going and i wanna say kudos to you for starting with a strain that's mainly sativa, they're more challenging to grow & take longer to finish. I got some BD seeds myself but was too noob I felt to start with them, so I started indica Dom
  3. do you have drainage holes in those containers ?
  4. Well, I chose the strain due to its medicinal properties. Through hell or high water I'll grow it! Here are a couple of better pictures. [​IMG][​IMG]

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  5. Not yet. I will probably add that shortly. For the time being I've been doing some hand aeration with a fork to bring up the wet soil to the top to dry. I definitely overwatered.

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  6. yeah it looks to be wilting abit i would definitely drill some drainage holes, temps and humidity are spot on and the soil you are using is tried and tested so that should be good it has to be over watering or ph or nutes 1 of those is the problem
  7. Sorry for the lack of updates I've been doing some modifications to my stealth cabinet I made. I went ahead and painted all of the walls with flat white Rustoleum primer. The slits where the shelving was is covered with standard HVAC foil tape; to ensure light does not escape (also air leakage is eliminated). The next step is to add the carbon scrubber. I'm just debating the best way to do it. After that will come the screen for SCROG (which I'm installing at 12"). After all of that I will be placing in a divider to start a perpetual SCROG.

    Onto the blue dreams: the issue was chlorine. I went ahead and boiled some water for about 5 minutes, cooled it off in the freezer until room temperature and watered both plants. Within two days the difference was noticeable. The light yellow on the perimeter of the leaves is gone and they are now a very hearty green color.


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  8. Hi Sterling. Great start. Blue Dream and Dream Queen are always staples of my production. Easy to grow and vigorous tall and lanky strain that smells and looks great. They grow fast, take everything I throw at them (nutes/H20, lights) and always produce well. Looking forward to your updates. My grow log is on GC, you can see some of my setup and experience there. My BD's and DQ's are the tall ones, 4-5 ft in 10 weeks....just amazing and a lot of fun to nurture and get experience w/o having to deal with growth cycle challenges other strains have.

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