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First Ever Grow! One Month After Seed! Opinions? Advice?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by RustyShacks111, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. Hello everyone!

    Title says it all! I am doing an indoor grow. I am on a budget so I had to just made do with bag seeds and materials I had around the ranch. Its a CFL/LED grow, 18/6 cycle. I have just started to slowly trim and clip some leaves, going to do a bit each day as to not the shock the plant. I am also debating on topping it or not.

    I haven't used any nutes yet because I am on a budget due to how I get paid. I may get some nutes next week though, but the nutes I get will be for when I flower.

    I was going to let it veg until I saw signs of gender. However I don't want her to get too tall so I may just start the flowering process within the next two weeks.

    Let me know what you think! I had a few spider mites that I took care of, so you may notice a couple leaves that got eaten a tiny bit.

    OH! Also in one of the pictures, on the main stem of the plant near the area where gender/preflowers will start to show, I noticed bulges like the preflowers are starting to grow! Hopefully I'll see them soon!


  2. Healthy so far. A little droopy but maybe from the low intensity lighting.

    Build a frame out of pvc and buy some black/white poly film. Make a frame with a light hanger across the center with pvc pipe and wrap the white side in plastic around it. Use 3m industrial velcro for the door.

    You'd be very happy if you bought one of these.
    VERO29 Triple COB Array Kit
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  3. I saw some decent plans for a DIY tent like you are talking about. My fiance and I were going to try to upgrade the area like that tonight.

    As far as those lights, they are a goal. I work seasonally and I am off during the summer so I run on a stricter budget over the Summer. I definitely plan to get much better lights for the next grow!
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  4. Looks good.Nice little bush I started the plants I'm growing now under cfl lights they got pretty big before I moved them to the hps
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  5. Thanks for the reassurance everyone! I just started the flowering process yesterday, switched the lights to 12/12.
    Noticed I need to move the bulbs a bit though as some of the leaves got burnt just a tiny bit. I don't think I am going to trim it at all anymore, I'm just going to let this one ride. When I turn around and start my second grow I plan to have up to 4 plants so I might practice trimming on a plant or two then.

    I am honestly really anxious about whether or not its a girl. I keep calling her girlie but I don't know if she is listening! And seeing those bulges starting to grow... I know it'll be soon! Day two of flower at this point. Will probably start feeding it some cactus food nutes soon. High in the K.
  6. That's a good idea...

    Good luck with your harvest.

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