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First CFL Indoor Blue Dream Grow

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by johnthebasic420, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Hey guys, so for a long time ive been coming to this site to read all of the info i can get on growing and now that im finally growing myself i decided to make a journal of my own. im like a week  late but better late then never right? So i got 5 Humboldt Blue Dream fem seeds from a friend for free, then decided since its winter i wanted to try my first indoor cfl grow, so in my boss trailer i live in i made the bigest closet my room and its in the bathroom, so eventually ill convert the shower into a night room when they get real big, but the closet space is about 40" long 20" deep and about 5 feet tall. i had some reflective windshield material laying around that i put up for now, eventually ill add more, then ive gota regular house fan mounted at the top of closet , and in this really small bathroom theres a roof vent that opens and has a fan so i open the closet doors at night and open that vent and the fan pulls the air out, then in the day i reverse the fan and i have it pushing fresh air in all day, they are getting 24 hours of light, seems to be happy with that. as for lighting i have 4  really big 120w cfls that i had laying around, eventually ill pick up some nice 6500k, i dont know what these ones are rated at now but it got the seeds to pop, i germinated in a cup of water for 24hrs, then put them directly in some ( i know it sucks ) miracle grow seed starting potting soil, its all my shitty town has to offer late at night haha, in a few days ill get different soil, just low budget grow. I made a cool pulley system for my lights that use to be for blinds and cut off a piece of bamboo down by my creek and thats what my lights are clamped too, and the lights move up and down like any set of blinds would, super easy =). all i had for pots for now was shitty clear plastic pots. i cut holes in bottom. seeds are 3 days from germination. all 5 already out of soil.  i play allot of music for my plants pretty much a good 12 hours a day of music. usually dubstep haha. anyways ill post more pics and put up more updates as i go on. leave comments and what not its much appreciated =), so ive been trying to add my pics for like 3 hours now but my phone hates me, so ill try tomorrow, thanks.

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  2. im curious about the pictures, im subbed!
    sounds like a good setup!!!
    probably wanna tape up those clear pots so light cant enter from the side?
  3. Post some pictures!!!
  4. So had some internet and phone issues but I'm back sorry bout that. They are on day 15 starting this morning. Many many updates lol don't know where to start, I got 6 1190L 6500k 25watt daylight bulbs, plants are loving the new light spectrum, got bigger pots, got new soil. I went with earthgro potting soil mixed 1 part soil 1 part peat moss and 1 part perlite. Very good drainage now I got a thermometer and humidity gauge also, room is about 78-80 in the day with 50% humidity and at nights it's about 70-74 at 45% humidity, still running lights 24 hours, they are all coming along awesome :) now I gotta figure out some affordable nutes to add. Any suggestions? View attachment 1628873 View attachment 1628874 View attachment 1628873 View attachment 1628874 image.jpg

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  5. Here's some pictures of thanksgiving night! ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1417184317.364753.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1417184344.238404.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1417184365.568139.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1417184417.825681.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1417184439.165107.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1417184474.071948.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1417184503.504872.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1417184525.547066.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1417184551.000459.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1417184570.729994.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1417184593.673267.jpg

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  6. hey so heres day 23 update. the girls are looking good, getting bigger and bigger everyday, i noticed there were some burning on the leaves and yellowing so i decided they were too big for there little pots, and the potting soil i had made previously wasnt enough for them to feed off of without using added nutes, so i went to ace hardware and i couldnt belive it but they had fox farm ocean soil so i gotta bag of that and new pots, im using the soil as is out of the bag, im not gonna add nutes, just keeping my first grow simple so i dont complicate things. anyways heres some pics, im still running 24/0 temp is usually 80 day and humidity is around 60% and at night its about 68 and 45% humidity.

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  7. Day 26 update. Today i went light crazy, the 8 cfls i had were good but i decided to add more so i went to home depot and got 4 y splitters for a light socket they were like 2$ each, and i got 4 bottle lamp buider kits. 6$ each from walmart. also found some nutes that will help finish off veg, its been a totally organic grow so far, but now tomorrow im gonna feed it Natural & Organic based Dynamite Plant Food Mater Magic, its made by Black and Gold, its got 6.80% nitrogen from feather meal,blood mean and meat meal. Derived from meat meal, Hydrolized feather meal, blood meal, and bone meal and sulfate of potash, 8.0% nitrogen 5% available Phosphate, soluable potash is 5%,calcium is 1% and sulfur is 4% Npk is  8-5-5. not the greatest stuff but the best i can find in my crap town. now theres 6-20w 1190L 6500K lights, 4-23W 1600L 5000K lights, and 4-14W 800L 5000K lights equaling a total of 268W 16740L. plants are taking off, yellowing is disappearing, so far so happy =)

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  8. Yo!  Nice setup man, you seem pretty handy!  I like how your giving them a dubstep dance party lol.  Maybe my plants would like some music too!:D  Ill be checking this thread to see the progress!
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  9. thanks man! yeah i try to not have to buy things so if i can build my own thats awesome. i finally found a hydro store near me so i picked up some oyster shell to mix in my soil. got some earth juice cal-n-mag and general organics bio thrive plant food npk 4-3-3, they also sold tea for your plants, its like a organic water mix with all sorts of live germs and what not in it, seems to be good stuff, so i fed the plants some tea and added some oyster shells in my soil. today marks a month for all five plants! ill post pics tomorrow after their first nute feeding.
  10. so i was so excited, tonight i fed them there first dose of cal n mag and bio thrive grow and the natural tea, so gonna hope to see killer results in the next day or two, fingers crossed =) i topped another and fimmed one, and started loli poping them but just very low to start cuz i want them still bushyish for the next 3 weeks of veg. also, my bamboo stick with all my clip on lights was getting too heavy and clustered so i went to the dollar store and bought two turkey pans, zip ties and a shower rod for about 7$. now i have all my lights mounted and cords nice n zip tied, cleaned up the room a bit. plants look great, i dont see any deficiancies at all, u put about 1/4 cup of oyster shells in each plants soil and mixed it, all in all im stoked, heres some pics.

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  11. Nice!  Creativity + dollar store = WIN!  Plants look great dude keep it up!
  12. So the roots were coming out the bottom so I moved out of the 9" pots to a 35 gallon tote. My closer grow is now a bathtub grow lol I bought 5 gallon buckets at first but there wasn't enough room in the cab or in the tub so this is option b, I'm pretty happy with it. Stuck with ffof soil mixed with oyster shell perlite pest miss and some plain organic potting soil I had leftover, turned out really nice. I moved the shower rod to the middle to hang my light rig and the fan that blows downward. Moved my Mylar and added a side fan too. I trimmed everything up for loli poping and got some steaks and tied branches down. Plants look much smaller but the next two weeks of veg tell beef up allot. I watered them with a gallon of compost tea and a gallon of my water with nutes. Well see how they look later today, I've been up all night as morning so I'm gonna crash but here's some pics of the whole new set up, hope u all enjoy :) ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418562363.421905.jpg [attachment=1643204 ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418562421.469426.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418562444.140213.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418562465.124822.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418562488.700406.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418562530.288616.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418562568.793234.jpg :ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418562388.133306.jpg]

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  13. Those lamps look so pro seeing them pass by, only later I saw they are food trays! Nice haha
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  14. Thanks haha only 7$ to make lol

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  15. Here's pics of before and after watering tonight. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418728631.366242.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418728663.340112.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418728716.608470.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418728735.158357.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418728754.934251.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418728773.297793.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418728838.400535.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418728867.161387.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418728903.152806.jpg

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  16. Looking good!
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  17. Be careful with the potting ground in your mix it can have nasty bugs in it! I got knats from it!
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  18. Havnt seen any gnats. I don't think there's any spider mites either. Figures out that two if them did hermie on me so I had to take two out :(

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  19. Does this look like a male? ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418802214.036003.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418802243.664771.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418802294.744350.jpg

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  20. I'm not good with genders, I'll try to point some people with more knowledge than me to your thread here, stay tuned!
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