First Bubble Hash Run-Some Questions

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by theAbbot, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. #1 theAbbot, Jan 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2009
    Alright everything went well nice sandy, goldeny color. Used 1 whole plant minus leaves that had some mold on it. A few questions though-

    1) There is unmelted ice left over in the catch bag with all the trim. I let it sit over night hoping it would melt into water, allowing me to run the melted ice through the bags for more goodness. It seems to me like there would be more crystals trapped on the ice cubes that couldn't settle. Do people do this, or should I just toss the ice/plant mixture out? I looked at it today and the water is noticeably browner.

    2) What do you guys press this shit between to squeeze the water out? Paper towels, cardboard? I read somewhere that it is good to squeeze out some of that excess water.

    I'll probably have more when I think of 'em. Thanks!

    (p.s. I know some people are opposed to using mold stash and I know the risks, but I'm willing to take them.)

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