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First Blunt

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Boombaux, May 4, 2011.

  1. I've never had a blunt before, this will be my first. I didn't roll it myself but does it look about 2 grams? My hands are average I guess if that helps with size :p

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  2. looks ok i guess just cant say im not smoking it..
  3. I'd smoke it.
  4. does it look around 2 grams?
  5. It's hard to tell from the picture because there isn't much of a reference point, but I'd say that looks like a gram and a half to two grams.
  6. ya iv smoked one blunt and ive been smoking for a while there fun with a bunch of people but i only toke with one other dude so its bong rips all day.
    EDIT: also nice looking blunt
  7. I'd give that to be 2 grams. Maybe not exactly, but pretty close.
  8. better have a snake in a box if your going to smoke that flute...

    JFWY, smoke it up, enjoy.
  9. it's grape :) can't wait to light this baby up. feel free to post any of your blunts!
  10. it tastes like a cig...nasty
  11. You are gonna be so baked!
  12. thats a fat blunt and nice roll too!
  13. Shouldn't taste like that.
    I've smoked a ton of blunts, and not one has tasted like a cig.
    Are you using mids or heads?
  14. #15 Boombaux, May 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    heads, I've smoked a cig before and it's almost the exact same taste, it was grape flavored so maybe that's just how grape tastes?

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