First blunt in 6 years. It's the size of my thumb.

Discussion in 'General' started by Rick540, May 24, 2011.

  1. Quit smoking dope 6 years ago for various reasons (FWIW, incarceration or an otherwise forceful separation wasn't the reason). Started smoking again last year and supplying myself again shortly after.

    Harvested about 12 zips 2 months ago. I got one left. Yeah. It's just me smoking too. It always happens this way. That's why I quit smoking 6 years ago. I was smoking so much it's ridiculous. I try to control it, but I just blaze 24/7 till it's gone. It's that way with everything. All or nothing.

    Anyway, my last zip is some DNA Rocklock. I bought one seed and grew it. NOT IMPRESSED. Good yields, but leafy ass bud. Nightmare to trim. Tastes like shit since it's so leafy. If you trim off all the leaf there's literally no bud left. Nice citrus aroma though. Potency so-so. Got better with the cure. Smoother and less leafy taste.

    Anyhow. I pretty much can't get that high anymore. Wake and bake is decent, but after that it's a 20 minute buzz at best and I'm wrapping my lips around the bong again. Finally I said screw it. I'm gonna smoke a giant blunt. I went out to the 24/7 mart and got a strawberry White Owl. Right as I went to split it, I said fuck it and packed it full instead. As in replaced all the tobacco with finely ground up Rocklock.

    I just sucked down about half of it and I'm damn high for once (finally).

    That's about it.

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