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First (big?) Outdoor Grow. I have a few questions

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Jennasaur, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Long story short, last year I started growing bagseed to cut down on my spending. Last year, two out of three were female, and one was a trileaf so I guess I got lucky.

    So this year: March 17th I planted my entire stash of bagseed in some natural soil I shoveled next to an old freshwater pond. 1 week later, they sprouted and last night I moved all 25 sprouts into their new containers. I broke a few taproots but they haven't died yet so I think I'm good. I water them once a day unless it rains. Ill upload pics in next post.

    My questions

    Should I worry about how many plants I have? Last year I only planted three so they were fairly easy to take care of. I really want to at least wait a couple months so I can sex them and then see how many females I have, but I also don't want to risk getting caught. Pot choppers (what I believe them to be) fly over the area frequently. I don't have to worry about neighbors because we live on a big property surrounded by woods. Unfortunately, there are also deer and rabbits. Last year I had my man piss in a two liter and spread it around (not where the piss can get in) my plants to mark human scent to try to deter animals, that worked so ill be doing that again this year.

    What are the odds that half (or at least 10 of 25) of my babies will be girls?

    Would I be better off digging a hole, putting the natural soil in the hole and putting my babies in holes? Right now I'm using three broken pots, a couple cut two liters, solo cups and Tupperware. I know it isn't the best set up but it's all I have right now.

    Any tips and suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)
  2. These are my babies that sprouted 03/24/16

    Attached Files:

  3. Last year I had a few problems like getting rootbound, and possibly nute deficiency, the bottom leaves kept yellowing and falling off.
  4. By the way, 56 seeds were planted and 25 sprouted.
  5. #5 Fataqui, Mar 30, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2016
    If what you have, is what you have, there isn't anything you can do about that. But you can do somethings that would help your plants have more of a chance of surviving outdoors. The biggest concern when a plant is that young and they are that young, is the possibility of to much rain falling on them and pelting them to death. Then if that happens and they some how survive it, they may get way to much water and develop long stringy stems that will get blown over on a windy day. Besides that, when they are less than a month old, there isn't to much else that will hurt them outside. But even though there aren't many things that could hurt them when they are that young I still find it better to bring them inside and put them under some small artificial lighting for the first (4) weeks of their life. I do that so that I can keep the first 5 - 6 nodes really tight together, that way when they go outside their base and their root system is nice n' strong and just because of that, they will be able to survive torrential rains, and also support the rapid stretching that a plant usually undertakes during the first month and a half from when it is placed outside.
  6. Cool I a chicken shit to grow outside on my property lol trying my first outdoor this year so I am not much help but sounds like you have things in order as long as that pond doesn't dry out over the summer you look golden
  7. I was scouting a great area all winter came back today and cried

    Supposed to be a natural area... looks like they are marking spots for gas lines or something
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  8. Thanks Fata. Last year I did bring them in during rain but someone on the forums told me they would be fine. I like the idea on letting the first few nodes stay close together so it's nice and strong.
  9. That sucks!!!!!
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  10. Flash flood watch here so I put em under shelter to keep rain off. :( unfortunately a few were drooped over.

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