First attempt at astral projection

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Iceman420, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. I heard some talk about astral projection for a while now, and I've always been interested in the mind and consciousnesses. I decided today to try it out.

    I began to lie down on my bed. I made sure everything was comfortable, and laid my head on my pillow. I was somewhat in an upright position. I had a small dim light beside me, and set the mood. I closed my eyes, and began.

    I started to relax and started breathing slowly but softly.In a matter of 5-10 minutes, I started to feel small tingly vibrations, and it was somewhat going through my legs to my waist, back and forth. As if i was floating on a wave slowly. Soon this turned into small mild vibrations, and I woke up a couple mins after.
    Once I opened my eyes, I decided to try it again. This is where it gets freaky.

    This time, i turned off all the lights. I was in my boxers(yea i know,weird right?), but i felt it was need to relax my whole body.
    I repeated the process. I started to have the vibrations once again, but this time, i felt like my body was locked to a point. Like my fingers, hands, and legs were stuck to my bed, as if they had small light weights inside them that kept me grounded. I started to get a bit dizzy.

    I started to view myself in a first perspective view with my eyes closed. Even when I had my eyes closed, I looked down and saw my body laying(From POV). I saw the small light coming from my window. and then woke up once more in 3 minutes after that view.

    I woke up all dizzy and such, and my body was all relaxed, I had some trouble walking a bit, as if my legs were a bit buzzed/numb. I walked around my house(physically) and it was weird, I looked at it differently, as if I was walking inside my house for the first time, when I've been living here for hte past 6 years.

    Anyone else had this experience? Please share? I would like to completely astral project next time.
  2. That's a unique experience man, I've never heard of something like that happening. Really don't know what to say :confused:
  3. Those vibrations you felt meant you were close to your goal. Try to increase the frequency of those vibrations next time. If I am reading your post right, the sight thing is your astral sight. It's weird because sometimes before I go to sleep or even when I try to AP, I can't tell if my eyes are opened or closed... weird, I know.
  4. I thought vibrations were typical?
  5. Man you're lucky i haven't even gotten that to happen to me yet and i've been trying on and off for months now. I've reached the vibrational state, but that's as far as i can get. It's annoying though things bug the shit out of me when I try to concentrate. All of the sudden that really tiny itch on my leg that will drive me insane if I don't itch it and break my concentration. And i'll start to feel like I need to move like i'm getting sore or something. I guess i'll just keep trying.

  6. Same here man, my parents call it "restless leg syndrome" if i think about itching something, all of a sudden i have to itch it, if i think about my legs getting sore kind of like a cramp feeling i need to move my legs or flex my calves to get the feeling out, and yea, like 90% of the time its in my legs.

    back on topic, reading about lucid dreaming today on another post (the guy getting fired) really inspired me to try it, tonight will be my first attempt, been doing research on how to accomplish this, very excited, wish me luck!!

  7. Yea thats right. I tried going to bed an hour later and had some difficulty because I had the tendency to try to astral project when that wasn't really my goal.

    I think one of the reasons I was ablie to achieve a bit on my first try is because I've always been interested in the mind,conscience,etc. And recently, I just found out that I've been having a "spiritual awakening", all ten symptoms, for the past 2 years

  8. Yea it is but feeling dizzy and having trouble walking, I've never heard experienced or read such a thing until now.

  9. well thats after i woke up
  10. I wouldn't think that something like that isn't expected given what happened.

  11. Ah I thought you meant after you AP'd, my bad.
  12. were you high? wen you did that?
  13. Astral projection is so interesting. I've never been able to actually get to the stage of seeing myself and being out of my body. I've been able to go into deep meditation before though.. I know what you mean by vibrations and heavy body.

    My good friend's dad was able to do it for as long as he can remember and it comes naturally to him. He's currently making a movie about it!
  14. this sounds exactly like my experience with salvia
  15. Sounds kind of like sleep paralysis. Sometimes I'll wake up and my whole body is vibrating hardcore and I can't move anything. I can see my surroundings and everything but I'm just totally paralyzed. I love it.. Haha

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