Firecracker for a homie

Discussion in 'General' started by RobbeB3, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. So my friends about to have surgery in 3 days and I'm planning on visiting him. He would be so stoked if I hooked him up with an edible so I was thinking about making a firecracker. Also the first one I will have made. I was thinking about rapping it in that wax paper and just storing it in my closet as of tomorrow night.
    How does that sound? Not sure about how to do the whole thangg
  2. Back in high school, my boy would make a batch of 24 firecrackers every so often. He wrapped them in foil individually and put them in a brown paper bag. I don't think his method was the best though. You should put saran wrap over the wax paper. You'll probably be good then. I've heard firecrackers only last a day or two though so you might wanna make them a little later.
  3. I heard that the longer their out the danker they get! Thanks for the Saran Wrap suggestion doe

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