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Fireblight and leaf curl

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Thizface, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. My moms apple tree gets Fireblight and her peach and plum get leaf curl. She sprays with fungicide to keep it under control, but I am pretty sure they are synthetic chemicals, anybody know organic solutions. Aact with neem or karanja?
  2. antibiotics and synthetics are easier for plants to deflect because they build resistance or the plant gets worn down by continuous usage, either way those products are not solving the problem as you say.

    I would just chop off the affected areas, as long as they are not primary for the plant.

    We like to use Beneficial Indegenous microbes by concocting a lactobacillus serum that is easy to make and can be refrigerated in an open container (they are aerobic bacteria) for continuous usage over time. It is mixed as 1 part to 20 parts water, and then can be combined with Fermenting plant materials (such as comfrey for the nutrient and compound benefits), aerated (as in ACT) and sprayed directly onto the areas of our plants we are helping (and applied as a soil drench).

    some types of plants fermented in your BIM's may battle leaf blight and curl more than others but The BIM serum itself is a great start because the lactic acid kills fungus.

    MIW and some of the other guys around here have some great ACT systems aroudn here that willr eally improve your plants health and performance...
  3. Thanks, I will try and ask her more questions and get some pictures up to give a more detailed description.
  4. yeah the neem and karanjja, while most likely viable options, are on the expensive side compared to making BIM's using rice wash and fermented plant materials.

    Plants with observed antifungal properties include some common invasive species (often considered weeds) including stinging nettle, comfrey, and there are many more.

    depending on your climate zone these plants will be growing in your area...
    do you go hiking often?
  5. #5 LumperDawgz2, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2011
    The orchardists in the Pacific Northwest that have to deal with fire blight often use the old, old Bordeaux Mix @ 5% - first developed in Bordeaux, France in the late 19th Century it continues to be used on 'some' fruit-bearing plants, in particular wine grapes, apples, pears, raspberries, etc.

    Because fire blight is caused by a bacterium (Erwinia amylovora), fungicides have absolutely no effect.


  6. Yeah I posted that without really looking into the diseases/infections at all...

    I just got back from harvesting stinging nettle- the spot was on the upper half of an embankment, but actually around the middle of the ravine bank... streams run at the bottom but the upper half was covered in stinging nettle this summer....

    now all the nettles are part of the foot deep mud and leaves in the clearing there, but I walked on a fallen tree and there were some nicely growing nettles shooting off the sides of the tree (it is well and decomposing). The stalks are around 4-5 feet at this point, new growth at the end rather bushy and STINGING.

    plants were plucked whole (roots included 3'' sprouts), chopped up entirely to fill a 5 gallon bucket. I added 4 gallons of dechlorinated clear water to this. Needless to say it looks like a swamp now. temperatures outside around 40 degrees.
  7. Sounds like a powerful tea you have brewing. For pulling out the fungicide compounds in the Stinging Nettle, it's the roots you want to include like you did.

    You'll be pleased with your efforts, IMHO. I would use Stinging Nettle if it were more easily available and also Comfrey is really, really easy to grow. No one could kill this plant - same with Nettle - indestructible.

  8. The comfrey root balls i wrote about a few weeks ago have been shooting new sprouts.
    they have been sitting in a tupperware bin, on a moist coco bedding. The lid is loosely closed. each root ball is about the size of a size 5 basketball. and they are Heavy.
    This variety has baby pink flowers I's leaves are on branches that extend across the ground like a vine. somewhat different from Bastyr's type, with the clumping and intense purple flowers.
    I can only imagine what the roots would look like in the ground, and I could see under ground....
  9. I meant a moist peat moss betting. moistened with an ACT.

    the nettle roots looked.... delicious, and just awesome. I was stirring the bucket today (it's color is mostly from the mud attached to the roots) and examined one of the roots. it was one of the smaller plants I pulled, and the root piece was insubstantial compared to the others. However strange and slimy tubers stuck out the sides of the root.

    They appear to face upwards, growing in small layers of translucent purple skin, and a beige overall color. Being they've been soaking for 12 hours I expect they are fermenting, but it's cold out and I almost think if I did want to plant them now its good.

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