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Finding Work in Arizona as a Medical Marijuana Patient ?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by quietblue, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. #1 quietblue, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2012
    I am currently seeking work in the state of Arizona and am a Medical Marijuana patient.

    I am familiar with the language of the laws both AMMA and HB 2541. I am curious, is there ANYONE out there that has found and kept a NEW JOB in ARIZONA and passed a dirty DT by disclosing their status as a MMJ patient to their employer?

    Anyone with any type of experience PLEASE post reply.
  2. im in az and i know if your bisness is not federal then they cant fire you for not passing a drug test if your a patient, but they might just happen to not choose you for hiring.

    other than being a patient it all depends on the boss when it comes to bud, its really not that strict out here just find a mm doctor and youll have your card in no time.
  3. The way Drug test work is your Employer sends you to a clinic which sends the pee to a lab or has you pee in a cup and they send IT to a lab. The lab runs a test and if you pop dirty for what they are looking for they have to by law contact YOU first. This is for Your privacy. It would be the same as if they found a Controlled Anti depressant. The lab would make sure you have a Script for it and if you do then they don't tell the employer. It is a prescribed medication. None of their business what your medical problems are. The same thing Should happen with MMJ. The lab should call you first and then you will fax them a copy of your card. I would double check that but I had spent almost 20 years in a random test career.
  4. #4 quietblue, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2012
    If that is the case should I just present my card at the lab ahead of time to skip the hassle?

    im not employed yet this is to be hired

    I was reading that MMJ does not have the same protections at the lab b/c it's 'recommended' not prescribed
  5. Like I said I would check to make sure. Never take the word of a stoner on the internet about legal matters. I'm just saying.

    I would go up to a lab not in the area where you will be looking for wark and ask them. Someplace like Sonora Labs.
  6. Or, and as a AZ Card holder myself I hate to mention, you could just get clean until you find a job.

    Just a crazy thought sorry.
  7. Normally I would be clean, but I got really sick about a month ago and have been through a couple oz since then. Now here's this great job.
    Maybe I should just get some synthetic U
  8. [quote name='"quietblue"']Normally I would be clean, but I got really sick about a month ago and have been through a couple oz since then. Now here's this great job.
    Maybe I should just get some synthetic U[/quote]

    Any type of work that you are at risk of getting hurt. Like construction an things on those lines have to drug test you. It's for insurance reason. If u were to get hurt an go to the hospitable an they finds weed in your system it will be there ass. Even if your were not high. But there are also ways around these test. An they are usually not frequent
  9. Any job with involving manual labor you will not get.

    Most employers in AZ are still not tolerant on MMJ workers. The shitty part is you need to be honest up front.
  10. couldn't i also use substitution, to protect my own privacy?
    this is a right to work state

  11. ? What you mean, like substitute and have someone else pee for you? I would say No, I don't think they will allow that. I think they want to know if the person they are hiring can pass the drug test not a Substitute.

    Yes AZ is a Right to Work state which means if you want the job they are offering you have to do what they say. Right to work means they don't have to hire you at all even if you are the most qualified person. It means they don't have to give you a reason why you were not hired or why they fired you. All they have to tell you si you are fired.
  12. Also I hope you have used this week that you have been asking questions to get clean in case that is your only option.
  13. Hey quietblue i would go fake piss rt on that one. You will not get the job in AZ with a dirty UA even with a card. Also good chance you will loose your job if they found out that you have it so if you use fake pee to get the job def keep having you card your business not theirs.
  14. Some of us HAVE TO use this medicine everyday.
  15. Use someone else's clean pee or synthetic as u said, they are not going to follow u in the bathroom and watch u piss like ur on probation unless maybe if it is a gov't job.

  16. You are right. He should never get a Job and apply for Welfare because He can't stop smoking Pot long enough to get a job. That makes more sense anyway.

    I mean if he really has an illness that he has ongoing DR appointments (a Requirement of holding an AZ Med Card is to be under ongoing Dr. care for your illness.) for then he has other Medications to get him through.
  17. Synthetic urine works well.
    You could always get a job in the new emerging medical marijuana industry too.
  18. #18 freethinker, Apr 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2013
  19. Marijuana CANNOT LEGALLY be prescribed anywhere in the US, it doesn't get the same protections as prescription medications. Unless Arizona passed some separate law that I haven't heard of, you CAN be legally denied employment or terminated from employment for failing a drug test even if you ARE a patient.
  20. You are wrong. Az prop 203 prohibits employment discrimination unless the employer is federally funded.
    If an employer wanted to fire you for it they would just find another reason and if they didn't want to hire you because of it they wouldnt tell you that was the reason.

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