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Finding a good dealer

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BigSexyPanda, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. Haha, yeah I don't skate and I definitely don't enjoy being the lurker anywhere. Electronic music event huh? I'll have to check this out. It seems like most of them would be enjoying different things like x or coke, but oh well.

    And with the doctor thing, yeah I'm still looking. I haven't found any "guaranteed to get a card" but if I was a patient, I'd love to have 24/7 verification and guaranteed protection in court.
  2. No coke, don't go to clubs and shit, I'm talkin straight up raves. If you know how to have some fun you will find people. You might see 10 people with rolls and some doses before you find bud but you also might find a guy who sells dank for half the price of anyone else in your area
  3. lol nah, nobody just starts off doing coke or e. they started with pot, believe me, they smoke hella weed. if they don't have any on them, they can definitely get you some. it makes other drugs even more enjoyable ;) i will try to find a link for you. i've seen atleast 2 of these websites. i can't recall where i found their links though, but they definitely exist. i'm pretty sure one of them is open 24 hours too lol.
  4. Truth, everybody smokes bud

    I saw a Chicago cop huffin nitrous before ha
  5. #25 PLURstep, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2011
    lol! nothing wrong with a whippet here and there :rolleyes:

    oh shit, i just looked up your formula, didn't realize what it was, but ah my love Lucille :)

    i wish people who really feel that weed opens them up would meet her atleast once
  6. Yeah I mean its legal. And he was a DJ who was having a show at his house haha, damn I got so many funny stories from that night.
  7. oh shit thats whats up haha. i haven't had any in quite awhile. last time i worked up to 5 in a balloon and i was hanging out with my friends at this park like 3am and it was hitting me hard as hell before i finally got the last bit down and i had no idea but i was sitting down and apparently i blacked out and like fell back and went down the slide backwards lmao and i 'wake up' like how the fuck did i get down here wtf just happened lol

    shit every time i go into 'dream land', i always come back like YOOOO :eek: wtfff just happened. that wasn't real?! omggg lol
  8. okay then back to getting a card, what are the best sources for finding doctors and I also remember reading somewhere maybe it was only from a clinic, but it said if you're under 21 you need papers and if you're over you don't, but of course papers speed up the process. I already know about calnorml.
  9. man i don't really have a dealer that i go to that often, i usually just get my friends to buy sacks for me and i pay him back because the dealer likes my friends more than he likes me, thus getting hooked up more.

    like all these people are saying, it's like this. you want to meet said dealer to sell you said drugs, how are you going to do that if you're in your comfort zone. man, get out of your comfort zone, go meet some new people. if they smoke, that's a plus, if they don't i'm sure they know people who do because, trust me, EVERYONE has that one stoner friend.

  10. Really doesnt matter what they are doing/into, look for someone high (not hard) and ask them if they know where to get any bud. You should have it in a matter of mins. Just have fun, they will see that and help you out.
    18 and older. no prior physician papers need. find a location, pick your ailments and contact them;

    this isn't the terribly blatant website i had seen before, it basically advertised in big letters $50 FOR CHECKUP. they probably wouldn't be that good of a choice anyway, most likely unprofessional.
  12. if you're in south cali... venice beach.. can't go wrong
  13. #33 HelpDesk, Feb 16, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2011
    Lol one of my most reliable dealers was met in a way just as simple... i was walking to the gas station near my house... puffin on a cig... guy walks by and say

    "ay man, lookin for some bud?"

    (a little sketched out) i say "sure..."

    He goes " follow me to my apartment"

    Me "kay"

    *To this day, i have no idea why i went with him.... It was all so sudden and random*

    We get to his place... sells a g for 20.

    *Exchange numbers*

    Done lol This happened months ago.. I call him weekly now lol

    The bags are always fat. The price is always the same... and he smokes me out sometimes. I can call him any time of day and he delivers.

    PS! Even if you have a dealer... Still look for more. You never know when something is gonna go on with your main guy... I got 3 other numbers in my phone just in case.
  14. yup yup! always be careful about random people asking about weed though. one time we met up with a friend who is also a dealer and i mean he LOOKS like he smokes weed. he has the long dreads, eyes always low, slow raspy voice. and he was getting in our car and some guy comes up to him like "got bud? got bud?" and my friend is like "you got some for ME? i dont sell weed, man." even though the guy looked like a bum rather than an undercover, still be careful. and YEA! about the extra dealers handy. i cant tell you how many times i'll have a stack of money and everyone is either dry or doesn't have good shit. but now i have 4 reliable dealers. :D
  15. Wow that sounds super sketchy, but I'm glad it worked out for you. I know what you mean, though looking for multiple dealers, but one card solves all of that!

    I live in norcal, just moved up from socal, now I wish I was in socal so I could go to venice beach haha.
  16. Just go to a park, school, library, any general populated area and start asking around. It might help to look the part; a bit hazy eyed, baggy cloths, nappy hair, etc.
    You're bound to find something by sun down. :rolleyes:

    Connections, my man. You don't just stumble across straight hook-ups.

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