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Finding a doctor in Michigan

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by QwestGreen, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. #1 QwestGreen, Jul 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2012
    Hey guys, I'm new here so if this has been asked a bunch feel free to chastise me lol. Im contemplating getting a card, but I don't really know what doctor to go to and whether it would be a simple process.
    I also kind of feel like an asshole reading most of your threads, because a lot of you have serious diseases and illnesses, while my problem's seem a lot more trivial. My knees, wrists, and back hurt, but it's never been severe enough for me to schedule a doctor's visit. Will this hamper my chances?
    I've also heard from friend's that there are some doctor's, especially in the Grand Rapids area, (where I'm from) who will write any & everybody up who books an appointment. Have you guys heard this too? Any suggestions for good doctors? Appreciate all responses in advance.
  2. SPACED knows alot about this topic, I can link you to a thread where we discussed it a little bit. Ill find the link and post it.

    I do know that there some are doctors in my area who do that whoever signs up for an appt gets a rec. It takes a while though. Im kinda talking from memory so im gonna find that thread. hopefully it has useful info

    scroll down a little

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