finaly =]

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by th smokinggiant, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. hey all at grasscity:wave:
    ive been a member on here for a while now and ive posted comments on problems i have encoutered on my way and ide like to say thanks to all that replied cos it has finally paid off:D
    i grew for a while with fluros and i never had a yeild of anything higher than i crappy 8th:(.but after some of you guys told me that hps was the way to go i went out and bought myself a 150watt hps!i got myself i nice blueberry cutting and started straight off under the hps!there is a thread someware with the lil lady on jus before i cut the lights back but im gunna post sum pics on the finished crop cos im soooo happy to have finally grown some stinky buds:D. what you guys think off my first hps yeild? let me know:D
    take it easy guys.......!


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  2. hell yeah man

    looks like some fire
  3. nice 1 buddy well done
  4. Congrats.
    Looks like a hell of a lot more than an eight. Enjoy.
  5. congrats homie
  6. hey thanks for the replies peeps, took me a good hour or so to trim all the buds but its well worth it:D.
    ive made a couple of washing lines in my closet to hang all buds on.i have a fan in there to cerculate the air and the door ajar to keep fresh air long you guys think i need to leave the lil babys to dry and cure.its the first time i have had enough bud worth spending time on curing so im not clear on whats needed to be done, any help would be great:D.??
    take it easy.....:smoke:
  7. beaaassstyyyy im liking the look of them beauty's. :rolleyes:
  8. Ok, how you're drying the buds is fine, as long as you don't have that fan directly on the buds, have it faceing a wall or something.

    Now what you need to wait for is the stems to snap and break in two easily. If the stem bends it's not dry enough, but once you notice the stem snap off easily, begin the cureing process.

    There are many ways to cure, the way I do it is by MASON jars. (glass jar with a air-tight seal lid)

    After drying, and makeing sure all of my stems snap, I put the dry buds in to the MASON jar and seal it up. (Don't fill it with buds to the top, fill the jars up about 3/4)

    The next day I wake up, I open the jar up and let it sit for 20 minutes then re-seal it, this is when the cureing process really begins.

    Now for 3 weeks at least, everytime you wake up open the jar up for 20 minutes. This is what is called, "burping" your buds.

    There's some stuff that builds up in there, and you need to let all of the stuff out so the buds can breath a little bit. Also, sometimes the buds will "sweat" and moisture will be found around the buds, this is normal, just make sure you continue the burping until the buds stop sweating...we don't want mold!

    When, your bud sweats no more, and it's been at least 3 weeks, close the jar off and quit the burping. This is when you seal it off and it's good for years... the longer you leave it in there, the more it changes day by day, the smoke might get smoother, or some other characteristic might change...I usually seal it off for a good month, then enjoy the fruits of my labor....

    Hope this helps, happy harvest man!!
  9. very nice, Ive seen yeilds good yields from CFL's so please dont knock'em maybe you did something wrong. I have a 250 HPS but I choose to grow with 350 watts of CFL's for lots of reasons, ya yields are better with hps but fluorescents can get the job done to. Did you scrog or LST your Floro grow? That prolly why you only yielded an 8th, my last grow I scrogged and got 2 oz of 1 plant with 150 watts of CFL's please just because they dind't work for you, dont mean they wont for others. Nice harvest bro wish I had some right now, keep up the good grows.
  10. thanks for the replys guys:D im gunna wait a while then take the info from BHO Mofo and get some jars and cure it that way.thanks for your time BHO Mofo, much appreciated!;)

    take it easy guys..........:smoking:
  11. hey guys:wave:

    ive had my juicy nugs hung up for a while now and the stalks snap easily. its been pretty bad because whilst ive bin at college i stink of weed realy bad, all of my cloths just stick of the dam stuff!anyways, ive put the nugs in a airtight jar for the final stage.oh yeh,i had my first spliff from it today,i couldnt resist when i was taking down the buds.very nice indeed,definatley blueberry and im happy to say i got realy stoned,haha!

    take it easy all:smoking:

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  12. [quote name='th smokinggiant']hey all at grasscity:wave:
    ive been a member on here for a while now and ive posted comments on problems i have encoutered on my way and ide like to say thanks to all that replied cos it has finally paid off:D
    i grew for a while with fluros and i never had a yeild of anything higher than i crappy 8th:(.but after some of you guys told me that hps was the way to go i went out and bought myself a 150watt hps!i got myself i nice blueberry cutting and started straight off under the hps!there is a thread someware with the lil lady on jus before i cut the lights back but im gunna post sum pics on the finished crop cos im soooo happy to have finally grown some stinky buds:D. what you guys think off my first hps yeild? let me know:D
    take it easy guys.......!

    Man thats real nice harvest for 150 hps, I think your fluoro grow was your own fault
  13. Very nice
    That will keep you busy for a while. Do you have a major at school picked out yet?
  14. how many grams of dry bud did u get?
  15. nice buds!

    a question about cureing: where should I hold the mason jar, in a cold place or at room temp.?
  16. Great looking buds you got there.. Good job.. As far as where to place your jars, You want to put them in a cool dark place, because heat and light degrades the THC in the buds... BUT do not put dry/cureing bud in the freezer because the remaining moisture will have the same effect on the Plants cell walls as soda has on a CAN/bottle the moisture will expand as it freezes and burst the cell walls haveing a negitive effect on potency... Good luck...choke with ya later

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