Finals week :)

Discussion in 'General' started by sk8njam, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. Off to hollywood my friends ,ive got 2 performance finals today one for my Single String Improv class and one for my Music Reading class...wish me luck :)
  2. Good luck man, cool that you're into the arts.

    Do you have to read in all three clefs for the music reading quiz, or just your predominant clef?
  3. finals wtf lol today was my first day of class?
  4. [quote name='"darksmoker"']finals wtf lol today was my first day of class?[/quote]

    Quarter system :)
  5. [quote name='"DriftingApart"']Good luck man, cool that you're into the arts.

    Do you have to read in all three clefs for the music reading quiz, or just your predominant clef?[/quote]

    Treble and bass for the test but guitar is only written in treble unless you start writing for 7 or 8 string guitars
  6. I had finals last week, too bad I probably failed them. Pisses me off, last semester I got straight A's. Perhaps my work ethic was better then....:eek:
  7. Good luck man, show 'em who's boss. (It's you, you're the boss)
  8. ha just got done takin my finals did okay!! woopp!!
  9. day one down...2 more to go...i did great on my performances today....ive got 2 performances tomorrow and a harmony and theory written gonna own em all :)

  10. that sucks dude...i cant let myself fail payin for it so i might as well put in as much effort as i can

  11. where do you go to school?
  12. Finals are next week I need to finish two animated shorts.

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