yesterday .. start em indoor then Xplant outdoors..most outdoor growers started our seeds 1-2 months ago... then plant in late May , early June.
I think that's why I like growing indoors. Its growing season all year long. If I had a back yard I would grow a couple plants tho.
it would be a waste at this point i cant see you getting much yield my plants are almost a month and a half old just put em outside I live in the east coast NB
Yeah you might want to consider an indoor grow. Might be better since you're starting a little late. I don't grow outdoor but I think the time to plant outdoors was about 2 months ago in April
New update I was wondering if it looks like Im overwatering.....the soil seems always needing water so I have averaged a bottle of water a day as thats what I did last year and I grew a healthy big ole plant....
Plants like to dry out a little between watering. Forces the roots to become stronger by searching for water