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finally bought a bong :D

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mily, May 28, 2012.

  1. soo.. i bought a bong yesterday and im pretty happy about it since i havent smoked from a bong since like before i got sick or something.

    we had such a freaky/memorable first sesh with it too.. my future roomie and i went to this park right near my house since i dont smoke in my house (parents house, both are chill with weed but we dont smoke in the house). theres a little wooded area that is obviously used by stoners so we sat down and started preparing the new bong..

    we start smoking and all these effing people start appearing.. parents with kids, people with dogs, and the kids start coming into the forest. the mom obviously sees us and tells her kids theyre not allowed in the forest, then the dad sees us and hes like 'i need to go into the forest to get my special stuff'.

    we were beyond fucked up and it felt like they were surrounding us.

    buuuut we got away and forgot to name the bong :(

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