FIM'ing like crazy!

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by Arcturon, May 24, 2012.

  1. I have some plants that I harvested that are re-vegging(and quite well I might add), and a pant in veg grown from seed. I have used the FIM technique on every single top I see, I FIM'd after the first 4 shoots, and I got 2 tops after that. I let it go for a week, then it had 4 new tops. I FIM'd every last one of them. The re-vegging plants have been subject to the same treatment after the new growth developed new shoots. I am using a SCroG net to get more of a bush effect.
    This is going to be my 5th crop.

    Is this a good plan?
  2. By bush are you saying you want one big round plant ? because thats not what a scrog screen it used for.

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