FIM The FIM - Trials andn Tribulations of a Noob

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by MikeD89, May 29, 2012.

  1. Fuck I Missed the Fuck I Missed I think - So I ready Dierwolf's sticky on topping and fimming but I think I still may have done it too high or possibly in the wrong spot all together. Here are two pics before and two after. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

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  2. Looks pretty good to me, though I am by no means an experienced FIMer. By the looks of pic 3, should give you at least 4 new tops.
  3. Your fine...theres not like anything you can do about it anyhow. You will know in a week or two. Cannabis grows very rapidly.

  4. Thanks, Man! I hope you're right.

    That's a long time to have my fingers crossed! Haha! What's the worst case if I did wrong? Added plant stress with no positive result?

  5. Its only a long time since your new. As for the worst case you named it :). Cannabis is very robust other then being ph and nute sensitive. As you get more grows under your belt youll see it can take alot of punishment. Cannabis is older then humanity itself its very resilient.
  6. Well. Almost 5 hours later things are going okay... Not bent over, curled up, or wilted... then again I don't really know what a stressed plant looks like. Thanks Budderball and Rhapsody for the input!

  7. Just sit back and relax. A plants growth is measured in days weeks and months not hours or mins/seconds. Thats the biggest mistake new growers can make is they freak out on small things not seeing the bigger picture of the plant.

  8. Oh totally agree. I'm totally leaving them alone and not messing with them after I make a move and let them do what they're going to do. I've read threads were people said "OMG I got nute burn gotta flush!" or "Not enough nitrogen I gotta pee in my pots!" then "pee'd too much now I gotta flush!". I just don't have much to do during the day so I'm just patiently pacing and waiting. That way the only torture is inflicted on me. Haha!

    I did end up FIM'ing two others. Leaving one that is slightly underdeveloped un-FIM'ed. I'm snipping off the 5th and what would be the 6th leaf sets I believe. The more pics I look at the more I think I was a tad high on the first one. I think I got the 2nd two a bit better. Wish Me Luck! We'll know in a week or so!

    Question: Is there any particular time that is better than others to FIM or Top in regards to feeding/watering?
  9. I believe its called FIM for a reason ;) Just act like you were trying to top it.
  10. Yeah, looks good. The worst that can happen is you get two tops, or even just one. Not a big deal either way, if you get two you're double where you were, if you get one just FIM it again.
    But you said you checked it 5 hours ago, better go check it again!!!! :D

  11. Dude... Don't tease me. Lights out from 6pm to Midnight. I'm a nervous wreck! Haha! I have to leave the house sometimes when it gets bad. I have the lights cut on before I go to bed so I can water when they first come on and then go right to sleep. Otherwise I'd just watch them all night long! It saves me from 8 hours of agony and torturing myself. It's bad enough that I have dreams of them being 8' tall when I wake up or being curled up and brown!
  12. rofl. I remember my first grow...
  13. It's been 60,240 Seconds since my last post. I counted each one. Here are few pics. The second plant has not been Fimmed. It's still maybe a day behind the others when I fimmed them. Their stretch is from 15" to 11" to the one that hasn't been fimmed. I'm on day 21 of being in soil and 19 from seedlings sprouting if that makes any sense. I plan on vegging another 3 weeks. Let me know your thoughts! Thanks so much!

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  14. Shit, you even made me get out my calculator to figure out that was 16.73 hours. Man, you're making ME nervous & I've been doing this since 1973!!!!! Nice to see the enthusiasm.
    On the FIM where question, I like to go at the 7th node, as the lateral tip is opening. Some say 8th node, wouldn't even try to argue that.

    Now the last set of pic's, I'm a little worried about that one in the 8th picture, but the others look beautiful. Keep doing what you're doing & bestaluck to you.

  15. Thanks Olde School! Yeah that last picture was of my first one that I FIMmed. I was much more happy w/ my aim (or lack of aim) on the second and third. No real negative signs as of yet. Lights come on in 14,100 seconds... I got my costco counter clicking away!
  16. You are going to have bushy girls. In the first pic in your OP you can see the side branches going on the node you cut, and the node below. That's a fim in my book. You can cut that top leaf set again and you will get a nice even 4 tops, but I would just let her bush out a for another week or two (or whatever your veg plans are) and flip her as is.

    She is going to throw some extra tops at yah... and that's the point right?! I am calling it early and saying congrats.
  17. Thanks Man! But Dude... I know about the bushiness... Is it going to be a problem that they're only growing sideways? They're 16" wide and 5" tall at the most. Then underneath the huge ass fan leaves are more tiny little fan leaves! They can hardly hold themselves up at this point.

    Which leaf set exactly are you talking about cutting? It's so hard w/o being able to point! Haha! Plus my blurry ass iPhone pictures certainly don't help.

    Thoughts on the other two FIMmings? Or too early to tell?

    Thanks again! Any help is greatly appreciated!
  18. The first pics I looked at was a successful fim u should have 4 new main cola ,

    Put your ticker away and just leave them alone the less attention u pay to them the better they grow as long as the conditions are right!!

    Just water when the pot is light.. Until it feels heavy!!
  19. So here are a few updated pics of what the very first FIM of mine from the original post after 48 hours looks like (took these this AM). I don't know if this is right or not. Only time will truly tell! I think I found a way to pass the time. Law & Order Criminal Intent Complete Series on NETFLIX!!!

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  20. OK, you really ARE getting too excited, there was no 8th picture in that frame! Sometimes my evil twin takes over and I can't help myself.
    Fighting the urge to calculate 14,100 seconds....

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