I read about this teqnique, and here is what I understand. You wait until your plant grows buds, and then you snip off half of the bud, and it grow 2 buds in the place were you made the cut. now, here are the questions I have about this teqnique. 1-Am I even close? 2-were exactly do I make the cut? 3-How can I make more than just 2 buds grow back? 4-do the buds that grow back take any longer to grow back than the originals did? 5-how could you explain this procedure to a beginner? If anyone could answer atleast one of my ques, I would greatly appreciate it, thanx
hey man, i found something out about this the other day.. check out http://www.overgrow.com/faq/browse.php?qa=727 its only a quick rundown but at least it will put you on the right track