Filtering Odor from a portable ac

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by desertvw94, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. Has anyone successfully filtered the exhaust from a portable ac to eliminate odor? I know portables aren't ideal but I basically got it for free so I'm determined to make it work before I spend $600+ on a mini split. A window unit isn't really an option, and I understand that they may leak smell as well.
    It's a single hose ac, but i built a box around the condenser intake so that it draws air from the outside. but the ac is leaking internally, as there is odor escaping out the exhaust (confirmed by testing with incense in the room) I'll be filtering the air in the grow with a 6" scrubber and 400cfm fan, but I'm still worried that smell will escape through the ac. There are multiple warnings on the ac not to restrict or lengthen the exhaust hose, so I'm apprehensive about putting a carbon filter on it. Anyone done this before?

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  2. This may be wrong, but its the way i see it....
    6inch fan, 24 inch filter, 10000 btu ac...
    An ac puts out the same amount of air it exhausts, my ac is in one wall of a 5x10 and my shit it on the other, with my filter up top in the corner. I can smell anything coming out of my ac

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  3. I run a portable a/c in the summer in my gardening shed grow. I grow in a tent. The a/c cools the shed. The tent draws cool air from the shed. The carbon filter is on the exhaust of the tent. You can do the same in a room with a tent.

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