figuring out our relationship to ultimate conciousness

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by thorarkin, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. i know of three theories. 1)there is only you and everyone else is a figment of your imagination, 2)everyone and everything is connected, and 3)there is a type of hierarchy and ends in the most high god(conciousness/spirit)
    we wont bother with 1 since it cant be argued, but im leaning towards 2 since what effects one person effects others without having a direct cause.
    id like some help figuring out which is more likely, 2 or 3. i want evidence for arguement, scientific based, or spiritual teaching based where you can prove the possibility of the teachings(i.e. the reality we see is only an illusion of what is truly real)

  2. Think of it like this.
    Our single existence is only but a vibration among vibrations in the hive mind we call consciousness.
    This is real only because it allows for it. 
  3. i couldn't tell ya dude
  4. We are all connected.  Our thoughts are a collective, our feelings unify.  
    \tEffects of Group Practice of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Preventing Violent Crime in Washington, DC: Results of the National Demonstration Project, June-July 1993\tJohn S. Hagelin, Maxwell V. Rainforth, David W. Orme-Johnson, Kenneth L. Cavanaugh, Charles N. Alexander, Susan F. Shatkin, John L. Davies, Anne O. Hughes, and Emanuel RossThis study presents the final results of a two-month prospective experiment to reduce violent crime in Washington, DC. On the basis of previous research it was hypothesized that the level of violent crime in the District of Columbia would drop significantly with the creation of a large group of participants in the Transcendental Meditation<sup>®</sup> and TM-Sidhi<sup>®</sup> programs to increase coherence and reduce stress in the District.
    This National Demonstration Project to Reduce Violent Crime and Improve Governmental Effectiveness brought approximately 4,000 participants in the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs to the United States national capital from June 7 to July 30, 1993. A 27-member independent Project Review Board consisting of sociologists and criminologists from leading universities, representatives from the police department and government of the District of Columbia, and civic leaders approved in advance the research protocol for the project and monitored its progress.
    The dependent variable in the research was weekly violent crime, as measured by the Uniform Crime Report program of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; violent crimes include homicide, rape, aggravated assault, and robbery. This data was obtained from the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department for 1993 as well as for the preceding five years (1988-1992). Additional data used for control purposes included weather variables (temperature, precipitation, humidity), daylight hours, changes in police and community anti-crime activities, prior crime trends in the District of Columbia, and concurrent crime trends in neighboring cities. Average weekly temperature was significantly correlated with homicides, rapes and assaults (HRA crimes), as has also been found in previous research; therefore temperature was used as a control variable in the main analysis of HRA crimes. Using time series analysis, violent crimes were analyzed separately in terms of HRA crimes (crimes against the person) and robbery (monetary crimes), as well as together.
    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[​IMG]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAnalysis of 1993 data, controlling for temperature, revealed that there was a highly significant decrease in HRA crimes associated with increases in the size of the group during the Demonstration Project. The maximum decrease was 23.3% when the size of the group was largest during the final week of the project. The statistical probability that this result could reflect chance variation in crime levels was less than 2 in 1 billion (p < .000000002). When a longer baseline is used (1988-1993 data), the maximum decrease was 24.6% during this period (p < .00003). When analyzed as a separate variable, robberies did not decrease significantly, but a joint analysis of both HRA crimes and robberies indicated that violent crimes as a whole decreased significantly to a maximum amount of 15.6% during the final week of the project (p = .0008). Analysis of 1993 data, controlling for temperature, revealed that there was a highly significant decrease in HRA crimes associated with increases in the size of the group during the Demonstration Project.
    Several additional analyses were performed on HRA crimes to further assess the strength of the main findings. These indicated that the reduction of HRA crimes associated with the group of participants in the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs could not be attributed to changes in police staffing. These secondary analyses also found that the reduction of HRA crimes was highly robust to alternative specifications of the statistical model-that is, the effect is independent of the isolated details of the models used to assess seasonal cycles and trends. No significant decrease was found in any of the prior five years during this period of time, indicating that this effect was not due to the specific time of year. Furthermore, the intervention parameters for the group size revealed that the effect of the group was not only cumulative with the increase in group size, but also continued for some time after the end of the project.
    Based on the results of the study, the steady state gain (long-term effect) associated with a permanent group of 4,000 participants in the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs was calculated as a 48% reduction in HRA crimes in the District of Columbia.
    Given the strength of these results, their consistency with the positive results of previous research, the grave human and financial costs of violent crime, and the lack of other effective and scientific methods to reduce crime, policy makers are urged to apply this approach on a large scale for the benefit of society.
    Reference: Hagelin, J.S., Rainforth, M.V., Orme-Johnson, D.W., Cavanaugh, K. L., Alexander, C.N., Shatkin, S.F., Davies, J.L, Hughes, A.O, and Ross, E. 1999. Effects of group practice of the Transcendental Meditation program on preventing violent crime in Washington D.C.: Results of the National Demonstration Project, June-July, 1993. Social Indicators Research, 47(2): 153-201.
    All you need is love
  5. I think we all have spirits, and some spirits may be stronger than others. I'm not sure why yet, I think it may be because they have ha more passed lives, but maybe it's something else. Our spirit is who we are, not our body. When you die, or shortly before, your spirit leaves your body. I think God is a spirit ( here comes religion) and Jesus was his spirit in a body. I could be wrong, but that is the theory I have come up with so far in life. It will probably change a lot as I age.
  6. 'All is One and One is All'
    That is Consciousness. 
    An authentic experience of That happens when you obtain 'no-mind'...that is, to suspend all reasoned thoughts in order for that experience to happen. 
    There is no scientific evidence. You will waste your time.
    Just accept it. There's nothing else for you to 'do'. Enjoy Being.
  7. We are connected, but not in a supernatural sense. For this project imagine our brains as computers that communicate with each other thru words and actions.  Even written words and pictures.  That does appear to be true, eh?  So when we communicate it's just like a download.  The information enters our brains thru our eyes, ears, and touch.  We have a discussion and we reject some ideas and accept others, and this changes us.  We go into university, get all those downloads, and come out a doctor, lawyer, or business excutive.  We are a different person.  For "proof" think what someone says when they want you to change your beliefs.  They say have an "open mind" and if you do open your mind you are allowing what they are pushing to get into your head and reprogram you, a bit.  Someone with a "closed mind" doesn't allow those new thoughts free access and they remain closer to staying the same person.
    When we die, we live on in the minds of those we've communicated with.  I don't mean that they remember us, I mean our thoughts or actions have made changes in their brains. While that's not exactly like eternal life in the hereafter, it's a practical logical scenario that addresses the walls between atheists, religion, and simple spirituality.
    This explains how groups of people like religious extremest come to think their radical views are reality.  Their brains bounce those shit thoughts back and forth and they lose perspective and like a computer virus, their thoughts are toxic.  Hang around scum, you become scum.  Hang around saints and become a saint.  It explains so fucking much.  I came to this understanding while sampling unmentionables and trying to find my "higher power."
  8. Why is this in Pandora, and not Philosophy or Religion where it belongs?
  9. carlsbarn- im familiar with this study. i know were all connected. comparing to computers woould it be like an open network where we all have administrative privileges, or hierachical, where theres a master computer that grants permissions to the others.
    tesselated- theres gotta be some kind of evidence, even if indirect or in the theoretical realm. perfect example is how we manifest the physical with our minds. everything is energy, we receive it with a sense organ, then interpret it in our brain, so it must mean we manifested it with our minds.
    on a off topic philosophical note, we cant know if we are seeing the same thing as someone else. what my mind interprets to be a monkey might be a whale for you, or green could be orange to you. we can even know if this is the case by communication because i might interpret what youre saying to make sense to me even though youre talking about something totally different. if this is the case the world i know is only mine similar to the single consciousness theory, but you can feel the presence of other consciousness.
    because i didnt look down far enough to realize there was a religion section untill a few days ago. lol

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