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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BaconDan, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. Ever heard anybody say that they were fiending for weed? My buddy was acting like he was having withdrawls, and all he smokes is weed! He was shaking his hands and telling me, " i'm fiending dog, im fiending!" I told him he was full of shit, because cannabis isn't physically addictive. I've also heard other people refer to this, mostly middle school and high school kids. Personally, i've gone months without smoking and though nothing of it. I still wanted to smoke, of course, but i didn't have a physiological need to smoke or anything. Fucking lame ass people, they make smokers look like diseased druggie addicts.
  2. you can be mentally addicted, especially if you are weak to addictions. It could just be his routine of smoking, and he's addicted to the activity itself. I have to smoke every night almost to help me sleep.
  3. He just really wants it.
    I fiend for hella stuffs but I'm not addicted to anything.
  4. most people dont fiend for weed
  5. it's when people have nothing else in there life to do but smoke weed. when they stop they don't know what to do with themselves.

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