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few questions.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by monsterhill, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. I was watching the 2003 high times dvd last night and they where toking away.
    most people seem to make a whole joint out of marijuana but i put a sprinkle in a bong and took a couple of hits to get relaxed.

    Is it better too smoke more marijuana then just have a couple of tokes? i guess i worry about smoking too much off it and its effects and i also think about waste too. I think its kind of a waste smoking that much when it lasts longer when you use a sprinkle.

    Those dudes on the high times dvd seemed too be a cool bunch of people having a good time when testing the pot.

    I guess my main worry about toking up is having some kind of bad trip or health problem and that is another reason why i do not use much mj in my bong.

    how much mj do you use at a time? would you say smoking mj has made a difference in your life if so how?.

    do you prefer indica or sativa and why?.

    i like sativa in the day time indica at night :D
  2. If I just want to relax or have some pains and don't want to pop an advil then I will take only a hit or two.

    However if I want to be nicely high and don't have anything to worry about the rest of the day I will pack an entire bowl.

    If you are truly worried about health problems, read some of the links below.


    Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection -

    Tumor Suppresion » Medicinal Marijuana Canada Blog » Making Legal Access Easier


    How cannabis could save your life | Yahoo! Green

    University Of Saskatchewan Research Suggests Marijuana Analogue Stimulates Brain Cell Growth

    The above posts range anywhere from how cannabis can fight tumors, to how it doesn't effect your lung in any way.
  3. Would packing a entire bowl make you high for the whole day?

  4. Packing a full bowl will get a noob like yourself (no disrespect, we're all new at some stage) blitzed for at least one hour, stoned two to three hours. That's about it. This will of course diminish with tolerance, but that can take years, and is remedied by a quick t-break.
    In my opinion, you should usually use the least amount that works. Anything more is a waste, and it's not like this stuff grows on trees!:rolleyes:

    Don't worry about bad trips, that's only with stronger stuff than weed.
  5. You cannot trip off of cannabis.

    And it's never been proven that weed has bad side effects.
  6. The one side effect i get is indigestion "burp a lot" for some reason every time i smoke it happens.

    Maybe i should use a vaporizer instead.

  7. Haha.. that always happens to me. I have no idea why though :confused:
  8. You guys might be getting weed burps, which happens when you swallow some smoke instead of inhaling it.
  9. The mind can do crazy things, but if you want to be careful; try to just be in a safe environment - with friends or even better people that know what they are doing.

    Sometimes you can get sensitive, or other health/mental health issues sort of start getting blurred. I had a little thing with nausea, but that's ok now. I also have anxieties, they reflect in my highs; up to the point where I think people are trying to harm me.. but don't overthink it.

    There's a great saying "Go with the flow" (or hitchhikers don't panic) write it down, also you can just come on here when you think you might be going into/having a bad trip. People are generally pretty nice :)
  10. If you are new to smoking tolerance may be a factor. What may be a lot of weed for you may not be alot for someone else. Indeed your risk of paranoia increases as you intake more, however if you feel generally comfortable at your current level you may wish to experiment by taking a couple more hits. If I am smoking Sativa I prefer more weed, Indica I need less because the body stone really hits me. I am not a fan of pure sativa or indica, I feel that something is missing form either one, so a good hybrid of the two really does the trick for me.

  11. How do I stop this from happening?

    It might be that I'm a fairly new smoker.. and just need to get used to inhaling :confused:
  12. #12 ElendGold, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2009
    When taking a hit, a slight pain in your throat might make you think "oh swallow a little bit it will help" and that's how you might get smoke in your stomach.

    I have to disagree with the people thinking you can't badtrip on weed. Indeed, you cannot physically make yourself ill enough to badtrip - but you can induce your mind into thinking anything. (By anything I mean "Oh no, my heart is going too fast" or "Am I ruining my life doing drugs"). These thoughts are useless during your high - Your heart is not going to carve itself out of your chest - and you are WAYYY too high to judge if your life is getting ruined. (Which is probably NOT the case)

    Also, anyone trying to "capture" the length of a high is talking out of his ass. Too many different variables everytime you smoke. The potency of the weed, the amount you smoke, out of what smoking apparatus, indica or sativa?

    Hope it helped,


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