Fertilizer Question

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by The Reckoner, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. I have 3 plants growing in the dirt that is found right in the ground. No nice potting soil or anything like that. So how/when can I fertilize these plants so that they can reach their potential in potency and yield? I have an unlimited supply of cow manure thanks to my friend's mom owning a horse farm, so what if i just piled the manure around the plants? And if I could do this, when would be a good time? When they start to flower? These plants are 2 weeks old.
  2. As a rule of thumb, don't feed nuted until the first and only set on round leaves fall off.

    not sure if you should just pile the manuer around the plant...anytime after those leaves fall off would be good to fert. You might want to put some manuer in water and make a tea and pour it in the soil.......
  3. Yeah, didnt think about that. If that manure is real wet from mixing it with water it should be fine if i just piled the manure around the plant i bet.

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