Femmed or not?

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by TranSamage, Oct 6, 2007.

  1. well, i had one hermie somewhere i guess, cause i flower from cloned mothers and i got some seeds.... so, are these femmed or hermie?:mad:
  3. screw you guys.... i'm going home :(
  4. dang does anyone know,, or what?
  5. Yes most of us know the answer. This question has been asked hundreds of times on the board. Try doing a search on the forum and you will get your answer. You posted a very newbie question in the advanced growers forum. That is why no one is answering you.
  6. Well I suppose I'll be a little more helpful than the guy above, and say that you do NOT get femmed seeds from a natural hermie, you get seeds that have a greatly increased chance of themselves growing hermaphrodites.

    The only way to reliably get femmed seeds is to chemically induce sex change over a portion of the plant, and having it pollinate itself.

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