
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by TranSamage, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. k i always heard that a plant pollinated by a hermi wil produce seeds that will also be hermi. /now I hear that these are feminized. WTF? will the seeds grow females or will these females give me little suprizes later that I don't want?:eek::mad:
  2. Hey Bro, alot of people say that a hermie plant will only give off hermie seeds, but thats the only way to get femmed seeds is from a hermie plant. The thing is that the strain will not be as strong thc wise or yield as if it were a full sensamillia. Another thing with femmed seeds is they have a high tendency to become hermies or have other defects. They are harder to deal with then regular seeds. Another thing is that alot of pro breeders wont mess with femmed seeds because of this reason and they say it polutes the gene pool. When breeding I have never heard of anyone using femmed seeds. Hope this helped.:wave:
  3. I personally just started 22 purple erkles that were fem'd seeds a friend gave them to me that is the only reason I got'em. I would prefer to get regular seeds .. pick the males out and clone a good moma off the best of the girls. But you do what you can with what you got..
    They put some chemical on the root area which makes the girls fertilize themselves, purposely hermie'ing them, they base it on the idea that if you fertilize a female with pollen from itself, that it ensures only female genetics. Sounds kinda unstable..
    This is my first time though so I can't knock it just yet.. it may work well.. we'll see I guess...
  4. i just planted a white widow hermie seed and sure enough, it's a girl!!!
  5. yeah... uhhhh... i am still skeptical. i have 3 different strains mothered that are all good and easy acces to lots of fellow growers who will give or trade clones so screw the danger of ordering..... plus.. if I force a branch to herm, i will ruin the whole damn closet ... so fuck that.
  6. be afraid... be very afraid.
  7. There is a lot of confusion and misinformation around this subject that just doesn't seem to go away.

    Essentially you can think of hermies as two different types. The most common by far is a plant with either screwed-up genetics or gets screwed up from environmental stress (usually erratic lighting). These hermies do not produce good smoke and they do not produce feminized pollen (which is needed to fertilize a female bud to produce feminized seeds). So usually a hermie is bad, and seeds from a hermie mother or pollinated from a hermie father can produce screwed-up plants.

    The other kind of hermie almost always has to be induced a certain way to produce feminized pollen. This typically involves taking a healthy female and isolating certain budsites to stress according to specific lighting cycles and use of a hormone (gybberellic acid), while the rest of the plant flowers normally. These speclally-treated budsites can thus be induced to create outwardly male flowers with healthy, pure female genetics, yielding feminized pollen. This pollen can be used to create feminzed seeds (best if pollinated to a different plant, not to the same plant's female buds).

    From experience I can tell you that feminzed seeds lead to plants that are just as healthy, just as potent, and yield just as much as females from regular pollination. On occasion a certain feminized strain can tend to hermie, and the breeders (the good ones, anyway) catch this and pull the stock. I have never had a hermie grow from feminized seeds. Some femmed plants can develop an isolated male bud late in flowering, this is considered "normal" for femmed seeds and is not a hermie.

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