Female? Or too soon? (Pictures)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Stadium, May 4, 2012.

  1. #1 Stadium, May 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2012
    Hey guys just wondering if you could let me know how my little girl(hopefully) is doing... Also those two "Pistills" *i think* seemed to have turned an amber color.. What's this most likely from?

    My temps arent bad and I'm only using flueros.. Also I've barely been feeding.




  2. Also the browned leaves are from Dehydration from being out of town for nearly a week and it running out of water.. But I was able to nurse it back to health...

    Also those pistills grew after the Dehydration encounter.. Not before therefore that event should not effect these.
  3. i dont see any sexing as of yet. how old is it? and can i get pick of top? that would help once she gets cal-lexis and sprouts pistols is usually the first indication.
  4. Yeah, hold on I'll edit my previous post with more pictures.
  5. what pistols? i see tric's(white crystals on leaves) but that may also be a number of things none thc related such as calcium deposits and such. And has nothing to do with whether its female or not
  6. So those little guys coming out of the node are just under developed sugar leaves?
  7. Updated pictures.
  8. Anyone?? Help :)
  9. those two little tabs are on every plant. It will be above those but below the shoot, and it will have 2 hairs out of 1 spot not one on each side.
  10. yeah they aren't matured to that point. however i can tell you that they will be ready for sexing soon. Look for lil pods(calexs) with pistols(femal) balls that sometimes look like calexs but get round and produce the pollen. keep posting pic updates if your'e worried. or message me them an i will tell you. This is only my second year of growing and just got into GC. i have to szy its nice to be able to have this my first time sexing i didnt know what the hell was going on and websites and help guides were all i had to read/trust.
  11. btw look daily. dont want any unprotected girls getting knocked up young. lol
  12. Yeah, thanks for your help. I've been doing tons of research but seeing it with your own two is different.. Also thats my only one going at the moment so don't have to worry to much. I definitely check every day though.
  13. Those hair looking things in the first pic are just stipules. You have another week or more before sexing.

    There are no pistils yet, and someone mentioned trichomes and I giggled to myself, those don't appear until flower.

    If female you will see the calyx then two pistils to the left or right of the stipules.

  14. Wow, Thanks man that's an awesome picture definitely appreciate the help.
  15. Actually Lights came on a few ago and I had a look at her and I'm fairly positive I see the start of a Calyx at one of the upper nodes.
  16. I also have a feeling I should have topped her again before I started to induce flowering.. But I'm just going to let it ride out and see what happens... No sense in trying to fix something that ain't broken..
  17. One top is fine, maybe you accidentally fimmed so you'll get more action then you think, but one top is enough. One top compared to two, or a top compared to a fim really doesn't alter total dry weight in the end. Topping or fimming compared to not doing either at all does make a difference.

    I always topped once 1 week before transplant. When I did top twice I kept my girls in veg an extra week or more.
  18. I'm thinking with the way my plants looking I accidently fimmed instead of Topping... Why would this have happened.. Because I only see one "top". Also Lights are off right now but when they turn on I'll post more pictures... Might even start a journal for the rest of the grow... Now that it's past the slower part.

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