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Felt super detached, numbness and derealization from smoking after my 2 year T Break

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by robthedawg12, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. I smoked my first time after my 2 year break and got super super stoned and like felt like i was dreaming,detached, numbness in the body feeling like i was "dreaming" not the most enjoyable high but then  i just passed out.
    Then i smoked again a week later and had the same feeling but not as intense and a little bit more manageable and didn't last as long because then fell i asleep for 20 minutes kind of like having a "Weed nap" then woke up feeling high and chill not as high as before but more of a "chill" high. Now i want to keep smoking but anyway i can prevent myself from getting that stoned again and the feeling of being detached and "dreaming sensation" is it because my Tolerance level is low? Thanks guys. 
    I am also smoking some Chemo Kush....if that really matters or not a Indica Strain.

  2. A 2-year t-break would completely reset your tolerance. It would have been like the very first time you got high.
  3. Smoke less, use a 1 hitter wait about 5 minutes and see how you feel. Rinse repeat till you figure out your comfort zone and stick with whatever formula you come up with.
    It's pretty simple. Good luck OP

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