Feeling "high" while meditating?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Asianasian, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. Ok so I'm still fairly new to meditation and for some reason when I get into a deep meditative state my body and mind feel "high" I really don't know what to think about this. Any ideas?
  2. I think your brainwaves, while meditating, changes paces in different waves. I heard those who meditate have more Theta waves than normal, that could be the reason. Check this out.
  3. I read something about this. It's actually the goal of a certain kind of meditation, I just can't remember the name. I saw it in a movie I watched called Magick and Entheogens
  4. #4 thabosshogg, Nov 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2010
    That feeling is one of the many benefits of meditation. Once you meditate regularly for long enough and continue to get better at it you will start feeling this way even when you aren't meditating. It's really wonderful. You reach a certain point where you feel "high" for a majority of the day, even if you only meditate for a half hour or hour each day.

    Our brains are usually so cluttered with useless thoughts, many of which are negative, that we aren't aware of our surroundings or the beauty of everything going on around us. Meditating teaches you to clear your mind (or should I say let your mind think on its own) and simply be aware. It's almost impossible when you are doing this not to be happy. Thus, because you have a clear mind, you are able to see beauty that you usually overlook and you feel generally happy because of the lack of cluttering/negative thoughts in your mind.
  5. ^like this guy said it would seem that most of the time our minds are so bogged down that we are literally separated to some extent from our surroundings. i wouldn't doubt that meditating simply calms everything down and makes your system more sensitive and aware of the fact that energy is flowing within you as well as all around you.
  6. I've felt high for over a month, since i've began seriously getting into spirituality and the like. It gets more intense at certain points, but always feel pretty high. It's nice lol
  7. In my opinion the body buzz from meditating is more enjoyable. You can move it around to wherever your focus and awareness is, or you can let it grow and fill your body until it pushes at at skin trying to move beyond you.

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