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Feel like dealer wants to chill every deal.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by High N Geeked, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Let me start off by saying i like my dealer. always has dank ass buds, will hook me up , and he also works with me, which means easy access to deals and such.

    But every time i go re-up i feel like i have to chill with him for like an hour or so to not look like a dick. I want him to know me as a friend, and not just a customer. but sometimes thats hard when i just wanna go home and do my own thing (unlike his place where 4-5 ppl always there).

    Again, i am great friends with the dude, went to his birthday party and chill with him all the time. but sometimes i just want to buy my bud and bounce without lookin like a a douche.

    anyone have this experience before?
  2. Just say you have to go? if you wanna chill then chill but it doesn't sound like he is forcing you to smoke lol
  3. Well he always gets sad when i leave. hes like 'man i just hooked ya up, dont wanna chill for abit?'

    something along those lines. makes me feel guilty for leaving.
  4. Honestly I think it's better to make friends with your dealers. I've only had one that I just went in and out, but every other one I'd chill and smoke with and shit. One of my better friends right now I met through buying his weed. I still do but now we're actually friends, we chill even when there's no bud around lol
  5. Do it OP, dude is risking his neck for you. Hospitality goes a long way in this business.
  6. My dealer does that sometimes too lol. Just say you got something you need to do or something. That's usually what I do when I don't feel like chillin. Or tell him you'll chill with him tomorrow.
  7. #7 ReeferMan2000, Dec 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2012
    Some dealers make you stay in their house for atleast 30 minutes because it looks sketch when multiple cars are coming and going from a house. If you're there for a bit, just looks like you're chilling.

    Like the others said, I'd just say, "Alright, thanks, man. I gotta go though. We'll chill next time or something!" and just don't be a chode about it and he'll understand. Good luck, OP!
  8. Yeah i usually do stay. and becoming good friends with him has made me able to get the deals and hook ups he provides. but i dont want him to ever think of me as just a customer and not a friend if i just leave after a deal.

  9. Exactly. He's inviting you into his home, where his neighbors see him all day, don't be disrepspectful.

    If you want to do a 2 minute deal, meet him at McDonalds, and pay him for the bother of getting off his ass. Otherwise play nice, hang out a minute, and enjoy the transaction
  10. I used to have a dealer like this too and it sometimes got annoying... I just didn't always want to chill with him haha. So I just said I had to run or work or what not.

    My current setup is pretty sweet though, he runs more like a business and is very professional which is awesome. Your in, your out, you get a good deal and it's just like buying anything else. He's a good salesman and always has different strains available and gives you sneak previews and samples. We need more of this!

    *Always you can always order online as well, I often order from British Columbia (If you're from Canada) and they mail quality bud right to your door :smoking:
  11. Yeah i get where youre coming from. and i always respect his house and such. but sometimes i just wanna toke alone, and enjoy the herb by myself. rather then the 4-5 people at his house constantly talking and bein wild (not always the case, but parties happen often at this house )
  12. Yeah, at least he will always hook you up :smoke:
  13. Haha true thing my brotha.

    Will hook me up and usually wanna throw in for a blunt and such :smoking:
  14. Yeah I'd do like the others say and if you got time to chill, then chill and be cool with him. If its a time you feel like you wanna smoke solo, have a reason to leave. Have your girl call you and say she needs a ride or something (totally random but ya catch my idea lol). Answer the phone and be like oh okay yeah i can come get you soon babe, then just say ay man my girl needs me, we'll have to chill soon! Boom, you're out and ready for a solo space ride
  15. op if you got somthin to do at home just tell him you got shit to get done but you will chill with him next time for sure and if he hooks you up good then smoke him up real good out of the blue one day and i just missed 420 by typing this god damn...
  16. Just say no. Seriously. It's not that hard...
  17. What are you scared of him, tell him peace and drive off after you pick up. If he stops doing deals then stop calling him, trust me when I say there is always another, and you shouldn't be coerced to do anything.
  18. Makes me think of pineapple express lol
  19. He sounds like a chill dude. Just hang with him. I would smoke him out too.:smoke:

  20. Before you go up slip something in like you gotta make it quick or something, like you have to be somewhere. He's a dealer, he does it for the money not the friendship. Unless he's a weirdo..;)

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