Fda popup

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by TheHappyCannabist, Apr 17, 2019.

  1. Is there any way to make this large annoying FDA pop up disappear? It takes up half of my screen on the phone and there's no box to close it
  2. Hello? Anybody there? What's the deal with the stupid FDA disclosure box that I couldn't close? I seriously had to REGISTER just to remove it from covering half of my screen.

    That's F'in ridiculous. Somebody want to explain the reasoning behind that? Trying to force visitors to stop browsing and sign up so your stats are buffed? Smfh.
  3. Can someone screen shot it? Anyone?

    Is it mobile browser, mobile app, desktop or anything else?

    I'm looking on different devices, not signed in, and see nothing.
  4. Desktop browser - Chrome
    Not signed in.
    Looking at this thread - One ad in the first post.
    Leafbuyer deals near the bottom.
    That's all I get this way. no ad blockers in use.

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