FBI gets schooled on marijuana laws by congressman

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Matticus, May 21, 2009.

  1. According to the gateway drug theory I should be a heroin addict right now.

    However I am not. :rolleyes:

    They should compare how many kids that use marijuana and end up going on to other drug compared to how many use marijuana and only marijuana. They might learn something.;)
  2. His argument that they have been successful stemming marijuana usage in high schools is such a lie. My sister graduated in 04 and she didn't have very many stoners in her graduating class. I graduated in 08 and sooo many people in my graduating class blazed. Like the "popular kids" of her class were jocks and cheerleaders and stuff. The "popular kids" at my school were all stoners. To me, having recently been a highschool students, I cannot even imagine that the numbers of highschoolers using cannabis has gone down. You can tell by looking at old yearbooks compared to today's yearbooks. The old ones (60s-90's) always have a lot of clean cut, law-abiding men and women and a few hippies. Today's yearbooks are the opposite, maybe it is just because of my region.
  3. I graduated in 06 and it was easier to get smoke than it was to get liquor.
  4. Oh god this made my day.
  5. Having recently graduated from high school (C/O 07) I can testify that everyone smokes pot in high school. Hell, I smoked with the valedictorian of my class. He's in Harvard now, and was telling me he had Jeffrey Miron as his economics professor. :smoke:
  6. WOW!@! That was music to my ears:hello:

    I love that line at the end, actually it first probably starts off with milk
    and then goes to beer...
  7. I was gonna count how many times the FBI guy said "uhhhhhhh" but I lost count before the first minute was up.
  8. Second that one.
  9. Go steve cohen !!!!
  10. Uh, the uh official uh count is uh...uh...17.
  11. This reminds me of conditional probability, the probability of something occurring given that something else has occurred.

    1. Someone using heroin statistically has a 90% chance of having used marijuana at some point
    2. Someone using marijuana statistically has a 0.2% chance of having used heroin at some point.

    Nothing like filling the childrens' minds with propaganda AND poor statistical analysis skills!
  12. What i'm even more scared about, is the generation of my kids with all this propaganda, but then again by that time it will probably be legal.

    Let's hope.
  13. They are not really revealing all the data. I want to know not only how many people who smoke weed go on to snort coke or shoot smack...

    I want to see more statistics. Like, how many people smoke weed and go on to finish high school and college, eventually becoming normal, well adjusted adults (some of which still partake to be fair). Or, how many people smoke weed and then go on to become actors, plumbers, teachers, politicians... :smoking:
  14. or how many people smoke weed and go on to be THE PRESIDENT! aint that some shit
  15. HEYYYOOO. This guy to my hero for the day.

    lmao. +rep for the laugh. :smoking:
  16. #57 sarahraek, May 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2009
    I always find it amusing that our goverment relies on law enforcement to give them the scientific data as it relates to marijuana. Their fuction in our society should only be to enforce the laws , not sway it. Why aren't our goverment officials having scientific and medical professionals testify instead?
  17. Because then the truth would be revealed.

  18. Because we all know what they would say, and Mr. Philip Morris would not like it:mad:
  19. :ey:
    How true
    And of course lets not forget Mr Jack Daniels and Mr Phizer

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