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Favourite Music?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Ganja.Bus, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. While high, of course.

    I'm more into like mellow rock like Pink Floyd. Anything with a lot of long notes in it sounds good.
  2. I like to listen to some reggae, rock but mostly hip hop. Alot of hip hop music talks about weed and the bassline always sounds good stoned.
  3. happy hardcore techno for me, as well as pink floyd and the beatles
  4. i'm sure there's tons of these threads. but what the hell.

    greatest bands of all time imo - Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Rush

    good rock bands-

    led zeppelin, rush, all of claptons work, jimi hendrix, pink floyd, the doors, B.B. King, jefferson airplane, bad company, fleetwood mac, steppenwolf, eagles, chicago, boston, journey, the allman brothers band, lynyrd skynyrd, the marshall tucker band, the doobie brothers, the who, jethro tull, the grass roots, bruce springsteen, genesis, phil collins, bob seger, kansas, tons more

    ayreon, porcupine tree, etc are also great prog bands

    good post-rock bands-

    godspeed you! black emperor, god is an astronaut, mogwai, mono, this will destroy you, sigur ros, 65daysofstatic, mutyumu, explosions in the sky, world's end girlfriend, caspian, EF, what the blood revealed

    good electronica artists-

    aphex twin, BT, infected mushroom, paul oakenfold, vibrasphere

    good ambient-

    BT, brian eno

    good jazz-

    charles mingus, the seatbelts

    good metal-

    black sabbath, iron maiden, opeth, iced earth

    good other randoms-

    billy joel, elton john, frank sinatra, dean martin, van morrison, bob marley

    just a bunch of shit off the top of my head.
  5. Depends on my mood, but I generally listen to Progressive/Classical rock. Then sometimes I listen to some hip-hop but usually progressive rock.

    Been into Rush a lot lately.
  6. #6 shaggy_r, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2009
    hell yeah man.

    rush is spectacular. ridiculously talented group of people that make some of my favorite music.

    if you like prog listen to ayreon, porcupine tree, genesis, and king crimson if you don't already.

  7. Dude, I can't agree any more than that. These 3 guys have a crazy sense of composition and Peart is just crazy with his seamless transitions in his complex ass drumming/timing.

    Personally, I love their synth era the best.

    Thanks for the recommendations man. I've listened to Genesis and they're awesome.
  8. #8 shaggy_r, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2009
    yeah, their ability in every aspect is just incredible - the composition and the wide variety of themes they explored in their lyrics to just how insanely original they were.

    and yeah, neil pert is a monster, and geddy lee is just phenomenal with the bass.

    as for the bands i suggested, they're really nothing like rush at all. but if you're open to progressive music as a whole then you should enjoy them. judging from what you said though, you might enjoy ayreon the most -- they have a lot of electronic elements and inspirations in their music.

    [ame=""]this[/ame] was the first song i ever heard by them when i started listening to them a few years back, so you can just see if you like it.
  9. use the search button seriously, we have prob 10+ threads about music while high...we even have our own section for music on this forum...
  10. Anything besides cheesy metal and mainstream rap.

    The Mars Volta is playing right now
  11. Ratatat and some Mars Volta as well.
  12. NO DREAM THEATER? those dudes are like if Rush and Metallica fucked, had a baby, and gave it crack...
  13. i actually can't stand dream theater and have yet to like anything they've put out.


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