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favorite time to smoke?

Discussion in 'General' started by sammyjohollywood, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. Are you a wake and bake? After work, before work, before bed? Alone, social? which is your most favorite time to smoke? Me personally it's a close call between wake and bake and a lil before bed and I prefer to smoke alone (lonely stoner) it's not anything personal but I enjoy chillin out watching whatever the hell I want to and do whatever I want plus more for me lol

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  2. by myself at night after I've finished everything I need to do for the day.
    i can just chill and enjoy my high.  don't have to worry about getting any work done, giving anyone a ride anywhere, i just do whatever i feel like doing.
  3. Def what Tim said.... So relaxing
  4. Same here, Sammy. Mornings and nights are best. Wife doesn't smoke, so it's like I smoke alone. But I also love being out in a park or in a fun city like San Fransisco, just wandering around high in the middle of the day.
  5. yea I hate gettin up and having to do shit when I'm on couch lock haha I honestly didn't smoke all day until like 3 hours ago since then I've slowly been smoking a bowl (holds over a j tho) just so much shit to do and it kills my vibe!

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  6. Morning sunrise meditation with a cup of coffee and a joint of dank. :)
  7. First dab after work. Its my transition between worlds.
  8. yea my man don't smoke either. he don't mind that I do but I try to respect that he don't, so I really don't do it around him. I have but it's weird cause I'm on another level than him ya know. So I just prefer to be alone.

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    haha I love how you put that!

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  9. Before I go to Wal-Mart. Then I just walk around lost for a couple hours popping tags like a baller for like $75 bucks.
  10. In the afternoons or night, once I have completed all the things to do that day.
  11. When I have people tied up in their vans and they have weed in their pocket, what else is a hobo with no job supposed to do?
    but srs
    When i'm in the woods at night at about 50f-60f...
  12. well that's creepy as fuck

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  13. For some reason I can't smoke during the day.... I like getting my tedious tasks done before I blaze up because I like being lazy when I'm high.
  14. Hahaha, that's what I was going for
    I mean I could be smoking crack in a dumpster...
  15. #16 sammyjohollywood, Oct 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2014
    that's not cool man I'm gunna have nightmares. Don't make me call your dad

    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  16. Before bed or early in the morning, always by myself haha. I love to For walks too

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  17. Around 11pm i step outside and smoke a nice size blunt and relax and listen to nature

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  18. I actually don't like wake & bakes unless it's to sleep some more then that's nice. I prefer before bed but I actually like to enjoy the high playing on here, a dating site or reading, listen to some tunes is nice as well. I usually vape alone.

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  19. I like being on my highest level at night. I sleep so good!

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