Ladies and gentlemen, I'm 7 days out from pulling my first harvest which consist of 3 Chrystals and 3 Great White Sharks. OMG their is so much frost everywhere and after I trim it up I don't know what I want to do with it. Hash? Brownies? Butter? Oil? Tincture? Dry it first, freeze it fresh? I'm super excited for harvest day and wanted to know what all of you prefer to do with your super frosty trim and popcorn? Thanks Blades
How much do you have? I'm a big fan of hash and some green dragon, I'd use most of it for that and if I have enough left over some brownies or other edibles. You could make some BBQ, then cook some ribs in it, and get high as fuck while eating ribs, great for shark week or football (referring to American football)
I don't think theres any other way to spend a Sunday (unless its shark week ofc), with this NFL lockout over we can get to business.