What's up guys so I got an eighth of some middies for 30 the other day, and some zig zag mango cigarillos and rolled a blunt and smoked it. Now, I could really notice the tobacco compared to other blunts that I have smoked with different Wraps. I thought it was the weed, so i smoked a joint, and did not have the problem. Pretty much the point of this thread is to tell you unless you smoke tobacco and cannabis, don't use these wraps. They make you have that cough feeling. No other wraps i have used have given me it. Also, favorite wrap or cigarillo thread?Post your favorite, how much they typically cost, and least favorite.
favorite papers: elements>raw>1.25job all less than $2 blunts:silver whiteowl, or a green leaf game/Garcia vegas .84cent last time i got a game overall: glass piece lol
I only smoke Chocolate Cigarillos( Dutch Master) $6/5pack box $2/single ( I live in Boston, our mayor hates smokers) I hate grape/strawberry dutches
Fav papers: organic RAWs Least fav papers: juicy jays Fav blunt: regular swisher Least fav: mango blunt wraps :l
I hate when people gut cigars opposed to just buying a blunt wrap. Most of the time they are dry and end up unrolling mid blunt.
strawberry zigzag cigarillos. Damn must have used up 10 cases this summer between my friends and I. 2 for 2.01 at your local BP.