
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by kokopelli, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. Ok, here is an interesting take on fate vs controlling our destiny.

    If the big bang actually happened and if there is only one possible reaction possible between entities. (ex, chemicals will always react the same way with each other given the same circumstances.) Isnt there only one possible outcome for all the reactions in the universe? We think we have a conscience that can dictate what we do but in reality all it is is a bunch of cause and effect relationships. If we see/feel something, we are going to react or think that way cause our brain synopsis will fire based on what we experience. If that is tue, reality is only a type of 'film reel' that simply plays out the way its going to play out.

    An agument I can see agaisnt this is some sort of chaos theory in which there has to be some variability in chance when things react.

    What do you guys think?
  2. although i believe in free will, this definitely makes sense to me. you're basically describing one giant domino-effect type of chain reaction (which are pretty much synonyms right? i dunno, i'm fairly high:smoke:) anyway, good post. +rep
  3. I think....

    i dunno

    I think that

    we have a pre-defined fate picked from our own free will from a higher perspective....but its not a fate, because its constantly being reorganized and created through synergy and communication of what everyone else thinks

    Like I think we are really non physical beings incarnating here for learning/experiencing. I think that every single persons "higher consciousness" or whatever is organizing every single event at every moment down to the movement of a single blade of grass so that everyone experiences what they need to experience at a precise moment.

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