
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by rhonin, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. If you don't sleep for an extended period of time (40+ hrs), then you will start experiencing hyper-reality (dreaming while awake) and becoming delusional. Starving yourself only makes it worse.

    You know, if you believe something with all your heart, it becomes true.
    If I believe 100% that an invisible monster lives in my closet, but can't be heard, smelled, seen, or touched, but created everything because it controls the universe, so it can defy the laws of physics since it is basically God.
    It's basically foolproof.

    Truth is, no one knows anything about anything except what's inside our galaxy, so we should all just accept that and not base our lives on things that we really don't know.

    Religion is sometimes used as a comforting tool, which is understandable, but it is just filled with empty promises and false hopes.

    Life is beautiful; nature, animals, feelings, emotions, marijuana (haha), and the only thing we really know is that we're here, and that we will all die someday, so let's all just take advantage of all the beautiful things that we get to enjoy in this life :)
  2. #22 TesseLated, Aug 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2011
    I undertand that people fast to honor _________ ...what one believes is God, Allah, All..Source, It...just same thing....but I think an important point is this as well...I know its not your belief but it applies to the same principle.

    Let me tell you about the middle path. Dressing in rough and dirty garments, letting your hair grow matted, abstaining from eating any meat or fish, does not cleanse the one who is deluded. Mortifying the flesh through excessive hardship does not lead to a triumph over the senses. All self-inflicted suffering is useless as long as the feeling of self is dominant.

    You should lose your involvement with yourself and then eat and drink naturally, according to the needs of your body. Attachment to your appetites - whether you deprive or indulge them - can lead to slavery, but satisfying the needs of daily life is not wrong. Indeed, to keep a body in good health is a duty, for otherwise the mind will not stay strong and clear."
    Discourses II

  3. Yeah what Buddha said. Fasting can getcha somewhere, but there's still more to go after that. He ultimately abandoned that path to get to where he needed to go.

  4. Your body can fully nourished by the proteins & energy from the sun & air

  5. which proteins in the air?

  6. that was mainly directed to the sun, energy within air & sun as well
  7. Can't we fast when we're dead? Just asking...
  8. Thats it, you have pushed my descision to water fast for two weeks. Thank you very much. No marijauna eitherm, I promise.
  9. Sounds like fictional, potentially dangerous information you're trying to give out here.
  10. the key word I used was "nourished"

    how does that relate to dangerous, it's actually extremely healthy
  11. Yeah, and see what happens when some kid reads that and tries to starve themselves sitting out in the sun..

    The key failure word you used was "fully".

    I agree fasting can be healthy, but to suggest that you can fully nourish yourself off essentially nothing..

  12. im not an authority on this but i fail to see how this is dangerous information... i dont belive hundreds of stoners are going to start lying in the sun when they get the munchies and starving to death!!

    I believe what hes trying to convey is that all life, food, plants are nourished by the sun.. ultimetly its what we are all eating!!

    i heard of people who become so clean, and pure, they can live on fruit and fruit alone, then the next stage in thier evolution is air!! apparently it can be obtained... but i doubt there is anyone on this site anywhere near that stage of evolution... i think they live in the himalayas... meditating for 99% of the time. Lazy bastards only joking

    im thinking of starting a fast.... copius amounts of skunk and peanut butter for 30 days and nothing else, il keep you informed.
    peace n love
  13. Have you ever seen this "Allah" i havent.
  14. The sun is only part of the nourishment cycle of life. Part.
  15. #35 Mrflamingsalami, Aug 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2011

    Not off nothing. There are different types of fasts. Im' thinking of doing a water fast for two weeks, not for religious reasons, but for mental purposes. Kind of like to improve my willpower, and to evoke a phycadelic experience.

    Edit: I took a huge water dump. Gone a day and a half with just water.

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