Faster than Light?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by l.xgv.n, Feb 18, 2018.

  1. Thoughts. Your thoughts towards another. Your feelings towards another. Your hate. Your love. Light has to travel, it has to take time to reach your position. A star 10 light years away will emit light that will have to travel 10 light years to reach you. But let’s say a person is 10 light years away. If their love or hate for you remains true, and you are aware of it, you will be able to feel their love/ hate instantly, without having to wait 10 light years for it to travel to you. Any remarks on this idea???

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  2. I believe that would be known as "warp speed" or "ludicrous speed".
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  3. Gravity is a force much deeper than light, giving the illusion to darkness as grave as death itself.

    Light may always persist around moving objects, however gravitational forces remain the mystery of motivation. The same way hydrogen bonds have dipole movements, attraction stems from nucleic core gravitation.
  4. Those are thoughts from within yourself you aren't transporting anything to the other person. Those thoughts will occur as fast as your brain processes them. How long does it take to process a thought? And how does that compare to the speed of light traveling that distance? Not an easy question to answer and not all thoughts are created equal, nor are all brains and different thoughts (if even possible to measure how fast they occur) would surely take different amounts of time depending on what they are exactly.

    I guess if you figured all that shit out you'd have your answer.
  5. The collective unconsciousness, also known as, synchronicity.
    Remember this, that telepathy and telekinesis is science fiction, while spirituality cannot be understood through physicality. To try to put spiritual things into physical terms so that we may understand, is literally and figuratively, grasping at the wind. Look out for spiders in your visual spatial span, if you see them, delete them from your mind, and believe that they aren't there. Good luck!

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