
Discussion in 'Movies' started by thechocolope, May 23, 2011.

  1. One of my favorite things to watch when I'm blazed and trying to do some art is Disney's Fantasia.
    I only have the old VHS version, though. I've seen some of the Fantasia2000 ones on youtube, but nothing is like watching the old animation styles. I loved the vibrancy of the colors!!
    Favorite scenes: the dancing mushrooms and the she-centaurs dressing up to get with the man-centaurs.
    Least favorite scenes: the one with the dinosaurs. Every time I start to relax, something really dramatic happens and it makes me jump.
  2. Fantasia 2000 is great too, gotta love the whales.
    Mushrooms is my favourite also. :)
  3. agree with your favourite scenes
    least favourite: everything about Night on Bald Mountain, scary demon and its freak followers wrecking shit
  4. Oh man yes! And Sorcerer's Apprentice too fukkin long.

  5. I kind of like the music in Sorcerer's Apprentice but yeah it's a bit too long

    The dancing ostriches part also drags on for too long
  6. This sounds trippy... Gonna need to watch it I love animations when they don't suck.. It better not suck :D
  7. You shouldn't be disappointed. :laughing:
  8. Excccelllent :devious:
  9. I haven't seen Fantasia since I was a kid but I remember it being rather haunting for some reason.

  10. The whole thing with the hippos and crocodiles is where I get bored :p

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